Health & Women

Qaddih for Al -Madina: Week “Your Health in Your Consciousness” enhances the prevention of “cancer”

The consultant of family and community medicine, Dr. Muhammad Bakr Saleh Qandayeh, stressed that following the healthy pattern of life represents the best prevention of cancerous diseases, indicating that the opportunities for various diseases increases with the follow -up of unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, the absence of sport, weight gain and other things that pave the diseases. For the “city”, coinciding with the Gulf Week for Cancer Awareness, which the Gulf states celebrate from the first to the seventh of February every year under the slogan “Your Health in Your Consciousness”, this Gulf Week is important in educating the members of Gulf societies about cancer and enhancing public awareness of how to prevent it Besides emphasizing the importance of early detection in avoiding the complications resulting from the hospital review in late stages of the disease, the more early the discovery, the greater the chances of recovery faster.

He continued: There are some important advice to maintain health away from cancerous or acquired diseases, namely:

First: Practice any sports activity, as everyone with different ages must exercise regularly and avoid physical inactivity, because it helps to prevent all diseases, including heart and cancer, as it helps to strengthen bones, treat depression, and high blood pressure, half an hour of life The individual daily at a rate of 150 minutes per week is better to protect from acquired diseases.

Second: Reducing the intake of unhealthy foods and drinks, including fast food and gas, and reduce the intake of caffeine drinks such as coffee, keeping eating healthy foods and following balanced food systems, providing the body with all essential nutrients, and also helps to prevent cancer, and reduce harmful cholesterol in the body.

The third advice is linked to healthy sleep to avoid the disorders associated with it, as getting enough hours of good sleep during the night helps reduce the incidence of diseases associated with sleep deprivation, as well Heavy and large meals immediately before bed to maintain comfort when sleeping, and avoiding the causes of anxiety, tension and insomnia, while the fourth advice is to stay away from smoking in all its forms and types, due to its many damages to the health of the body, so smoking is one of the most important causes in all types of cancer, such as lung cancer And throat and mouth, as well as heart diseases, as smoking affects all people associated with a smoker, which is known as negative smoking, and the fifth advice is to avoid taking painkillers except in extreme cases, so not every headache means eating analgesic, in the event of continued headaches, here the doctor should be examined To find out the main cause of the disease until the foundation of the problem is treated for the headache, the sixth advice is to limit the spending of long hours behind the devices, especially the adolescent and adolescent children, as the problems associated with the devices have increased recently, the prevention is better than exposure to these problems that the text neck, hand problems and bottom pains have increased The back is the result of long sitting in a place without movement and also vision problems.

Dr. Kandier added: Women are particularly advised to pay attention to conducting a mammogram after forty to detect breast cancer, as early detection is according to three steps, namely:

Mammogram breast imaging, women from 40 years old and above must perform mammogram every year or two to the end of life, as it advises them to examine the clinical breast, as women in the age Forty and above, this examination must be performed annually, and it is preferable to be before the work of the mammogram. Her breasts, which makes it easier for her to know any changes in her breast when examining it and consulting a doctor accordingly.

Dr. Kandier stressed the need for female students and young women to vaccinate the papilloma virus that is transmitted through sexual contact, which was provided by the Ministry of Health, as he

HPV is one of the fiercest types of viruses that affect women with cervical cancer, and it is an abnormal growth of cells that are found in the cervix, and 99% of cervical cancer cases are associated with HPV infection, which is a very common, high -risk virus, It is transmitted by sexual intercourse, and the anti -HPV is taken early as a preventive step from cervical cancer – God willing – and the vaccine is very safe and effective, and it is available for girls between the ages of 9-25 years before they are exposed to the virus that is transmitted through sexual contact.

Dr. Qaddah, his speech by saying:

Although the treatment of cancer, especially chemical and radiological cancer, can cause annoying side effects for patients, the science has evolved, and many drugs and radiological treatments have emerged that can control side effects, and supportive care or palliative care is responsible for managing side effects to treat Cancer can help a person feel more comfortable at any stage of the disease, stressing

Community members of the need to eat healthy eating, reduce fast food, fat foods and calories, and eat fruits and vegetables regularly, because they are foods that contain large amounts of antioxidants, and of course be careful to exercise because they are an integral part of the prevention that must be followed to avoid diseases in general, and make sure Drinking healthy fluids such as fresh juices and water and reducing caffeine drinks such as coffee and tea, avoiding smoking, and ensuring healthy sleep. All of these matters enhance the body’s immunity and prevent exposure to diseases.

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