Electoral Committee: The withdrawal of Dr. Sheikha Ishia Al Khalifa due to special circumstances

Yesterday, the Bahraini Business Women Association organized an introductory meeting of the members of the association with the female candidates for the thirteenth compact role elections 2025 – 2027, with the aim of getting acquainted with the candidates, and giving them the opportunity to introduce their ideas and programs in the service of the association and members.
The introductory meeting started at 5 pm and continued for more than two hours in the presence of the president of the association and a large number of members of the current board of directors, and Professor Alia Al -Amir, Chairman of the Committee supervising the elections, began a welcome speech during which she clarified some legal and organizational matters related to the electoral process and its controls and others.
The Electoral Committee includes Mrs. Alia Al -Amir, Mrs. Fawzia Murad and Mrs. Fawzia Hussein.
The committee issued a statement of the members regarding the announcement of the withdrawal of Dr. Sheikha Ishhaa bint Muhammad Al Khalifa, “First Vice President in the current session” from the upcoming elections 2025-2027, in which we would like to inform you that Dr. Sheikha Ishia bint Muhammad Al Khalifa has decided to withdraw from the elections Thirteenth 2025 – 2027, due to health conditions, and the Sheikha had surgery, and she is traveling again for medical examinations that may take some time .. and we wish her a speedy recovery.
Thus, the number of female candidates will be reduced to 14 female candidates, according to the arrangement of the names, Abbaydia: Asmahan Hassan Bakhwa, Badria Ali Abdel -Rahman, d. Aisha Muhammad Bahloul, Abeer Aref Al -Bitam, d. Fatima Abdul -Jabbar Al -Kohaji, Fatima Abdel -Khaleq Al -Dalawar, Fatima Habib Ali, Fawzia Ahmed Al -Khaja, Vicky Saad Moawad, Lara Khalil Shukrallah, Maryam Abdel -Hussein Al -Amir, Manar Muhammad Sarih, Nadia Ibrahim Al -Shatr, Nariman Abdul Rahman Shukrallah.
It is worth noting that the association’s board of directors consists of 11 members, including the president, the two deputies and the rest of the positions.
Thus, the list of filters for the new session is witnessing 7 new faces that are not in the board of directors, compared to 7 filters from the current board of directors, which prepared themselves.
The prince explained that, as usual, coordination is underway with the relevant government agencies, headed by the Ministry of Social Development, to arrange all matters related to the electoral process and approve the deadline for the elections that will be announced soon.
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