World Cancer Day confirms increasing awareness about the disease and the importance of early detection and benefiting from scientific research

Studies indicate that cancer is among a large number of diseases that are characterized by the development of abnormal cells that are divided into an irreplaceable way and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy the body’s natural tissues, and cancer often has the ability to spread throughout the body; If it is the second main cause of death in the world; While the symptoms resulting from cancer differ depending on the affected part of the body.
It includes some signs and general symptoms associated with cancer; Fatigue, the presence of a mass or a thick area that can be feeling under the skin, changes in weight, changes in the skin, changes in the habits of defecation and urination, constant coughing or difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, voicing, continuous digestion or feeling annoyed after eating, An unknown pain is affected by the joints or muscles.
Cancer occurs due to changes or mutations in the DNA inside the cells; Where the DNA is gathered inside the cell in a large number of individual genes, and each contains a set of instructions that tell the cell of the functions that they must perform, in addition to how they grow and divide, and errors in these instructions can stop the cell from performing its normal function And it may allow the cell to become cancerous.
Doctors have identified several ways to reduce the risk of cancer, such as: quitting smoking, and avoiding excessive sun exposure; And follow the diet, exercise, and maintain a healthy weight; And that the discovery of cancer in its early stages often provides a better chance of recovery, and examination tests can save lives by diagnosing cancer early; As it is a test for cancer diagnosis; Physical examination, laboratory tests, photography examinations, and biopsy; By collecting a sample of cells to test it in the laboratory. There are several ways to collect the sample. The proper biopsy is based on the type and location of the cancer.
While the treatment options are the type and stage of cancer, general health, and personal preferences; That aims to live a normal life; As any cancer treatment can be used as a preliminary treatment, but surgery remains the most common procedure as a preliminary treatment for the treatment of the most common cancer cases; Where doctors use many cancer treatment options; Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, bone marrow transplants, immune therapy, hormonal therapy, targeted drug treatment, and clinical experiments.
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