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“Tadra” supports the conversion of the winning ideas in “Emirates Hackathon” into emerging projects

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and the digital government (Tadra) stated that the axes of artificial intelligence techniques, whistling bureaucracy, digital sustainability and cybersecurity flexibility will be one of the most prominent axes of innovation motivation within the activities of the eighth edition of “Hackathon Emirates” for the current year, which started yesterday, under the slogan “Today’s Challenges Tomorrow’s solutions.

The director of the “Hackathon Emirates” project in the authority, Amal Ismail, told “Emirates Today”, on the sidelines of a press meeting yesterday, that the authority is working to support the transformation of innovative ideas that won the “Hackathon” into emerging projects, through agreements with incubators Business in various parts of the UAE, to develop ideas for projects suitable for practical application in local markets, and to support the growth of emerging projects based on innovation.

She added that this year “Hackathon” calls on innovators from all sectors across the UAE to cooperate in developing technological solutions to the most urgent challenges in the country, through innovative technical projects that keep pace with the directions of support for innovation in the country.

Ismail explained that “Hakathon” focuses on creating adaptable and adaptable solutions to address the rapid development of emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, artificial intelligence agents, “robotic” chat, the Internet of Things, “Block Chen”, cybersecurity techniques, computing The quantity, huge data, data analysis, and other common technologies.

She added that in addition to this, the “Hakathon” aims to harness the open data available through government agencies to develop influential solutions that contribute to the development of society, and is in line with the UAE’s vision of innovation and digital transformation, with the active participation of all segments of society.

She pointed out that the eighth edition of the “Hackathon Emirates” is held for three months, between February and April, for all participants at the state level.

Ismail indicated that every “Hackathon” begins with a launch ceremony attended by all governmental, academic and private agencies, while participants are trained on how to mix data together, and analyze them to come out with patterns that help crystallize innovative ideas and solutions throughout the period, and the experts team also educates the participants on what “Hakathon is », And how to work within teams to develop ideas and deal with data, pointing out that the Innovation Forum and the honoring ceremony will be held on April 21 to announce the winners this year, followed by the intensive support program for the winners for a week.

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