The Minister of Awqaf and the Grand Mufti of the Republic on the visit of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs at the Book Fair

visit & nbsp; Dr. Osama Al -Azhari, Minister of Awqaf, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, accompanied by Dr. Nazir Ayyad, Mufti of the Republic, Dr. Mustafa Al -Fiqi, the political thinker, Chairman of the Committee for Education and Contemporary Thought at the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Dr. Abdullah Al -Najjar, member of the Islamic Research Academy, and a number of prominent personalities And a number of leaders of the Ministry of Awqaf and the Egyptian Ifta House.
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and they were received & nbsp; Dr. Muhammad Abdul Rahim Al -Bayoumi, Secretary -General of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs; Which provided a detailed explanation of the council’s publications and its anecdotes that show the intensity of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs and its role strategy at home and abroad, and Dr. Al -Bayoumi indicated that the pavilion includes a set of publications that contribute to the development of Islamic culture, as well as the role of the Council in spreading moderate thought in proportion to With the current challenges.
& nbsp; There are different peoples who address their translation. On the authenticity of the council’s heritage and the distinguished work of the Ministry of Awqaf and the Supreme Council under the leadership of Professor Dr. Osama Al -Azhari, Minister of Awqaf. Islamic praising his publications that combine the science of movable, reasonable and reality. Dr. Abdullah Al -Najjar on the excellence of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs through its qualitative committees, which has an intellectual product that responds to his message at home and abroad.
& nbsp; A chanting paragraph with the Smmex machine, and the child met Adham the honored beauty from Mrs. Intisar Al -Sisi deprived President Abdel Fattah Al -Sisi, President of the Republic (may God protect him) in 2024 in the competition of the little creator, and the child Mahmoud Mohsen Saleh, who won the second position at the level of the Republic in the talent competition of the Ministry of Culture, the branch of religious chants The year 2024 AD.
& nbsp; Community with correct religious values.
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