Money and business
Dutting “Jana” contracts with the “Green Gallery” and “Conflict Ingenering”

Namaa Chemical Company has announced decisive measures to end the contracts signed between the Jubail Chemical Industries Company (Jana), one of the subsidiaries with Al -Rawaq Al -Akhdar Environmental Services Company in alliance with Confirming Ingenge International.
The company said in a statement on Saudi Arabia’s circulation: The completion of contracts with regard to the two water treatment projects from chloride and ipoxi manufacturers.
She noted the notification of the contractors by annulment of the two decades in accordance with the provisions of the contracts signed on February 28, 2024, after they were proven seriously violating their contractual obligations, and not taking any corrective measures despite granting them the regular deadline to address failure.
The company maintains its entire legal and material rights to claim contractors with all compensation and damages resulting from the breach of these contracts, and will take all the necessary regulatory measures to ensure its rights.
She explained that the reasons for the delay in the previously announced date failed the alliance of the Green Corporation for Environmental Services and the Conversation of Ingening International in implementing the items of contracts for the treatment of the water featured from the chloride and ipoxi chlorings manufacturers.
On February 29, 2024, the company announced the signing of two contracts between the alliance of Al -Rawaq Al -Akhdar Environmental Services and Confirming Engincional with the Jubail Chemical Industries Company – Jana – a subsidiary company.
The company said in a statement on Saudi Arabia’s circulation: The completion of contracts with regard to the two water treatment projects from chloride and ipoxi manufacturers.
She noted the notification of the contractors by annulment of the two decades in accordance with the provisions of the contracts signed on February 28, 2024, after they were proven seriously violating their contractual obligations, and not taking any corrective measures despite granting them the regular deadline to address failure.
The company maintains its entire legal and material rights to claim contractors with all compensation and damages resulting from the breach of these contracts, and will take all the necessary regulatory measures to ensure its rights.
She explained that the reasons for the delay in the previously announced date failed the alliance of the Green Corporation for Environmental Services and the Conversation of Ingening International in implementing the items of contracts for the treatment of the water featured from the chloride and ipoxi chlorings manufacturers.
On February 29, 2024, the company announced the signing of two contracts between the alliance of Al -Rawaq Al -Akhdar Environmental Services and Confirming Engincional with the Jubail Chemical Industries Company – Jana – a subsidiary company.
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