
Endowments: The next Friday sermon entitled: "And they excavated the apparent iniquity and its inner"

The Ministry of Awqaf has identified the subject of the next Friday sermon entitled: & LDQUO; and they were anxious the phenomenon of sin and his patriot & rdquo; Some of them are worshiping, knowing that the second sermon deals with an adult warning from all forms of violence against women.

& nbsp; You have come from something after it, praise be to be great with the greatness We are Muhammad, His servant and His Messenger, God Almighty sent him mercy to the two worlds, and a conclusion to the prophets and the messengers, and he explained, And he honored us with it, and made us his nation, God bless and bless him, and his family and his companions, and whoever follows them with goodness to the day of the day. A generous thing to the cultivation of what is between people and among the best of God Almighty and his livelihood and his success, The command of God, the exaltation of his exaltation, by leaving the sins and the oldest, its greatness and its young, its thickness and its success }. And the greatness is a disease and the disease is a destroyed, and it is the sin of Abel, the first one who has disobeyed God He grows up to God Almighty, and he is his grace {he does not love the arrogant}.

but Be careful, O dignity. The inherent of the sin is a hidden, hidden, destroying the heart and giving you its owner, and it is not feelings. Hands and ethics and their morals The soul of the people of the two worlds, so the creation of God will be tempted by the creation of God This is the person, and they are from it, for it increases the nose with them, and a rudeness to them; Because they imagine that they are returning the religion, and they are in the truth of the matter, they do not like the wonder and the arrogance and the tension! Evidence for a false state of faith, and a savage view, which is made with its owner in the hereditary of the Great and the Great. And the elementary and the division, in the name of a soul that is established in the one who is investigating it, that it is the group of the chapter, The publication of the publication, and they enter these paradise and those of the fire, and their ears were silent about this deity, the humiliating indication in the hadith. I am on me Do not forgive a philosopher? I have forgiven him, and I have become your work? And the rituals of God are glorified in it, and the Qur’an is honored in it and his family is to describe that it is an ignorant community?! Do you not see that the thought of the one who is the one who is the one who has been inhabited by the faith, and in which it is the goodness House. He turns to dread, and it is strange that he thinks that he is on the way of a pioneer; Because he takes the back of the debt, and he is absent from the stingings of the capacity and the mercy and the humiliation of God. You are not the owner of the thoughts of the rituals and the impulsion of the straying, but rather the grace of the divine fulfillment of the obedience of the Lord of the two worlds, and the goodness The solution of his saying: “Praise be to God, who guided us to this The thickens of the heart, so that they will be exhausted from your around}.

& nbsp; And not hurry, nor is it transcendent, nor arrogant, nor are heavy, and you will be fulfilled- God guides you- with the place of the servants, In servitude, and bring people closer to their Lord with kindness, companionship, and converge And the good preaching and their argument with them is the best. Mother (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him), and upon his family And after:

, O Prophet, be peaceful, safe, safe for all the world The thorns of my Lord, peace be upon him with all the images of estimation, lapse, and consequences, and consider the charity to it, He said: & Laquo; Your choice is your choice for their women. To be a companion with a woman, refuse to be violent and violent, so it is not a good manner This is the time of this, and you will be stranded on this, and you misunderstand the value of the men, and you are obliged in your mind that is the one who says: They are the people of the women. He denies the saying and action, the guardianship of the divine command {and they shared it with the well -known}, the possibility is that the beautiful of the rituals, We refer to the good, the happiness of the happiness. The opposite and the metaphor, for this actual act is a long time and ugliness, where is this action that is tired of this statement: & laquo; I think that you are weak, so you will be silent about your right, but rather it is necessary to inform the example of these facts, to return the foreheads On the authority of their creativity, and they receive their reward, and the community lives a safe life that is safe and reassuring, which is meant by literature and the honor.

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