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Urgent After reprimanding it from the Pope .. How did he escape "Trump" From ecclesiastical deprivation?

Pope Francis, the Pope of the Catholic Church, issued a great reprimand for the Trump administration plans for the collective deportation of immigrants, warning that the forced deportation of people only because of their illegal situation deprives them of their inherent dignity and & quot; will end badly & quot;

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Pope Francis took a noticeable step by dealing with the United States campaign against immigrants in a message to the American bishops in which it seemed to be directly targeting the defense of Vice President JD Vans on the deportation program on theological foundations.

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Tom Human, the US border official, immediately this matter, indicating that the Vatican is a state of a state surrounded by the walls and that Francis should leave the border enforcement to his office. > & nbsp;

The first Pope of Latin America in history has made the care of immigrants a priority in his ink for a long time, citing the biblical will & quot; welcoming the stranger & quot; In demanding that the countries welcomes the fleeing conflicts, poverty and climate disasters, protecting, enhancing and integrating them. & Nbsp;

& nbsp; Between the Pope of the Argentine Vatican and President Donald Trump on immigration, including before the first Trump administration when Francis said in 2016 that anyone builds a wall to prevent immigrants & quot; not Christian & quot;

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P> & nbsp; In the letter, Francis said that the countries have the right to defend themselves and maintain their societies safe from criminals. For reasons related to extreme poverty, insecurity, exploitation, persecution, or a dangerous deterioration of the environment, harm to the dignity of many men and women, and entire families, and put them in a state of weakness and disability in particular & quot;

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The Pope cited the exit book and the personal experience of Christ, and emphasized the right of people to search for shelter and safety in other lands, and described the deportation plan as & quot; a major crisis & quot; It is revealed in the United States.

& nbsp; Amuris & quot;. >

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and in his message, Francis seemed to correct Vans’s understanding of this concept.

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He said that Christian love is not a central expansion of interests that gradually extend to people and other groups & quot, as he wrote. & quot; The true love system that must be strengthened is what we discover through continuous meditation in such as & quot; the good Samaritan & quot; that is, through meditation in love that builds brothers open to all, without exception & quot;

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David Gibson, Director of the Center for Religion and Culture at the University of Fordham, said in a publication on social media that Francis’s message & quot; all of the aerial allegations are ridiculous by JD Vans and his allies in conservative Catholicism and Catholic voters & quot;

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Vans’s reference was to & quot; Ordo Amoris & quot; She had the support of many Catholic right in the United States, including the Catholic League, which she said was right about the hierarchical sequence of Christian love. Vans only used the wisdom of Saint Augustin, Saint Thomas Aquinas and the broader teachings of the Church in insisting on the love of things in an arrangement.

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& quot; The relative, it must be in a lower rank than the love of God & quot; this is how Augustine wrote. & quot; This hierarchical sequence extends to our human relations where the love of the family, society and the nation should precede our love for the whole world, not in terms of intensity, but in terms of the priority of duty and responsibility & quot;

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He said Human, a Catholic, Francis should fix the Catholic Church and leave the American border protection of his ministry. Homan told reporters in a video from The Hill, posted on X: & quot, that he wanted to attack our borders. He set up a wall around the Vatican, right? So he set up a wall around him to protect his people and himself, but we cannot set a wall around the United States & quot;

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the Vatican, a city country surrounded by walls of its area & quot; 108 acres & quot; Inside Rome, more severe penalties were imposed on anyone who illegally entering their lands. To 25 thousand euros on anyone entering the country & “using violence, threat or deception & quot, such as evading security checkpoints.

& nbsp; the statement said that the decisions that focus on the treatment of migrants and refugees, external aid, expanding the scope of the death penalty, and the environment, are very worrying and will fail negative consequences, many of which will harm the most vulnerable groups between us & quot; < /p>

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This was a strong reprimand by the Catholic hierarchy in the United States, which is the abortion & quot; the maximum priority & quot; For Catholic voters and had welcomed the Supreme Court’s decision for the year 2022 to end the constitutional protection of abortion, which became possible thanks to the judges appointed by Trump. In the 2020 elections that President Joe Biden, a Catholic. Protecting and defending the dignity of migrants is very urgent at the moment A letter to a specific political program for a government, although immigration is definitely an issue listed on the agenda of the American Catholic Church for a long time. >

The Caritas International Charity Foundation in the Vatican warned on Monday that millions of people may die as a result of the decision & quot & quot; For the United States to stop funding the US Agency for International Development & quot; recklessly & quot;. & nbsp; Caritas asked governments that the Trump administration urgently invite the decision to back down from this decision.

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