Surprising surgery for the daughter of dreams and a message of apology to Haifa Wehbe and Carol Samaha .. What is the story?

The Emirati star republished the congratulations of the stars, through her personal account on the X platform, addressed to them the phrases of love and apology, and supported her appreciation and love for them.
Dreams of Carol Samaha
“Every year, you are a thousand good dreams, my dreams! I wish you a full of health, love and successes … I love you so much and I wish you the best days.”
Hours ago, Ahlam re -published the message of the famous star, addressed to her a message in which she said: “O my beloved, my soul and my dear singer, I apologize, and God is my daughter, a practical worker, and I could not leave it for a moment. A party in Riyadh and it will be the first to attend. “
Watch also: Ahlam Al Shamsi celebrates her birthday with special messages from art stars
Carole Samaha responded to a dream message, wishing the latter’s daughter to recover in a phrase in which he said: “Praise be to God for her safety.” To interact with the audience with the mutual messages between the two stars in comments, including: “Brother, Halloum, your heart is sweet, and your income is what I love you, and I love your generosity, your story, and you are a queen of the Gulf, the Gulf, I love you.”
Dreams of Haifa Wehbe
In her congratulations, Haifa Wehbe wrote to Ahlam: “On your birthday, you wish you a year, all love, goodness and success, my beloved dreams.” Dreams responded to her hours ago with a message saying: “My soul, my soul, my most precious heart, and every year, and I have good love, and I love you.
Followers wrote in their comments: “My love, Umm Fahd, we, Vans, Haifa, what we love and love your love, even your audience, like you, is sophisticated, respectful, and large in morals, you and Haifa are from the best friendship in the artistic community, and may God perpetuate love between you and we hope to see you soon with each other.”
Dreams of Carol Samaha
Ahlam celebrated her birthday with a set of messages, among them: “I thank God with all my heart for the blessing of life. Praise be to God. Lord every year is the most beautiful and the most wonderful day that makes me feel my love for you. “
The birthday of Ahlam Al Shamsi
Among the congratulations of the stars for Ahlam on her birthday is the congratulations of the star Elisa, who wrote: “A year about a year, I will increase a solution, shine, and more. Al -Dayem is the best of your presence and with your love, I am Ketyyer, I love you from the queen. ” Dreams responded to her in the words: “And I am more than a year, I love you more and more good, and I am more good.
As for the actress Nancy Ajram, Ahlam congratulated the words: “In a lot, the words of my love, you will be, first, I miss you a lot! It is what the Emirati star replied to him, saying: “Oh, my heart, we are the heart of love, and I miss you more, and my Lord protects you, my love, and my days are always the best of your presence and with your love, I love you.” (Layalina)
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