
The Islamic Thought Forum highlights the role of the Sunnah in the stability of the homelands

The Islamic Thought Forum was held after the Tarawih prayer at the Mawlana Mosque, Imam Al -Hussein – may God be pleased with him – in Cairo, on the fourteenth night of the blessed month of Ramadan, under the title: & LDQUO; For the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs. Hadith and its sciences at Al -Azhar University. The purified prophetic Sunnah paid great attention to morals, compassion, and social solidarity, which contributes to the stability of the homelands, as it urged the Sunnah to spread safety among the neighbors, so that each individual is a source of reassurance to those around him, not a reason for fear and anxiety, and he cited the hadith of the Prophet -: & LDQUO; He explained that the sections mean injustice and assault. The aspects of life, citing the hadith of the Prophet -: & LDQUO; They praised the importance of the meeting in highlighting the role of the Prophet’s Sunnah in achieving the stability of the homelands.

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