World News

Israeli media: Just 177 joined the"Army" From Haridim .. and the deficiency is 10 thousand

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& nbsp; Military Affairs correspondent in & quot, Channel 12 & quot; Israeli, Nior Dfoury, The Israeli Army determined the year 2025 as a war of war, but the average reserve service in 2024 was 136 days a year and there are many soldiers who served 300 days or more, and the burden on leaders was 168 days heavier as an average of the year & quot;

and indicated that the Israeli army has a shortage of about 10 thousand A soldier & quot; adding that he & quot; after sending 10,000 domains to Haridim there only 177 joined the service only & quot;. He asked the Israeli correspondent, about the & quot; he will take place in the coming year when he requests 70 and 80 days a reserve of soldiers in the coming months & quot; indicating that he & quot; who will bear the burden? How will this affect families, business and Israeli economy? & Quot;. Dafoury concluded by saying: & quot; if the government continues in this way, the matter will explode & quot. In an article in the newspaper & quot, Yediot Aharonot & quot; The Israeli, on Tuesday, Israeli correspondent Yossi Yhoshouh indicated that he & quot; in internal discussions, the army shouts that he does not have enough soldiers, while the Prime Minister is busy liquidating his political accounts & quot;. He added: & quot; this way cannot be continued, and Hamas cannot be defeated in this way. Driving must now wake up, not through hollow media campaigns or empty slogans, but rather through policies that enhance equality and justice, and take clear measures, such as punishing those who are backward and rewarding those who serve & quot;. About a month ago, Minister & quot; Security & quot; The Israeli, Yisrael Katz, only 7% of the Haridim, responded to the recruitment requests, including requests directed to the & quot; Habad & quot;

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