
Tayseer Matar: We are experiencing unprecedented party pluralism during the president’s era

Representative Tayseer Matar, Secretary General of the Egyptian Parties Alliance, head of the Irada Jeel Party, and Undersecretary of the Senate Industry Committee, said that President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi works day and night to preserve national security and the safety of the homeland and the citizen, praising also the shuttle tours undertaken by the President. Al-Sisi on the outside world, stressing that this era has proven to be the largest era in which the international community has emerged and is more open to the world.

MP Tayseer Matar added that President Sisi’s statement that "The country that leaves does not return" A reality that everyone must realize, pointing out that the most important role that all parties can play is to support the Egyptian state and be aware of the seriousness of the regional and global situation in which we are living, especially after the recent events in Syria, and everyone must know that the most important thing is the homeland, and it must take the lead in all matters. Priorities.

The Secretary General of the Egyptian Parties Alliance pointed out that the composition of the parties is from all sects of the Egyptian people, and therefore their spread in all governorates and their ability to be present on social media leads to increased awareness about The rumors are issued and the facts are clarified, pointing out that the youth of the Irada Jeel Party have developed meeting rooms through electronic headquarters, a trend that deals with the nature of technological changes.

According to the head of the Irada Jeel Party, the Egyptian Parties Alliance, which includes 42 parties Politically, the era of President Sisi witnessed great party pluralism, unlike previous decades, which indicates the democratic scene that we see and live in. He expressed his happiness at the media support for the parties because they give the kiss of life. To the parties in presenting their visions as well as spreading among the masses, stressing that the alliance of parties will remain supportive of the Egyptian state and political leadership, and we will not deviate from this support, and this is a time when absolute support for President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is necessary.

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