Health & Women

Sham Al-Dhahabi reveals her daughter’s features…and why did her mother, Asala, apologize? (photo)

Sham Al-Dhahabi, the daughter of the artist Asala Nasri, published on her Instagram account pictures from the latest photo session in which she revealed her daughter’s features after her mother, Asala, published a video clip of her granddaughter and commented on it with an apology from Sham for publishing the video.

Sham published the photos to celebrate the birthday of her daughter, Jihan, who turned one year old, and she appeared in them with her daughter in a special photo session that combined simplicity and family warmth.

The celebration of Sham’s daughter’s birthday witnessed the presence of her grandmother, Asala Nasri, who seemed happy with a granddaughter who resembled her in features. Sham expressed her great joy on the occasion of this anniversary, and wrote a comment on the photos in which she said: “May God protect her and all children, they are the meaning of life.”

Comments poured in on the photos that Sham shared, amid the interaction of a large number of followers and art stars, and the most prominent comments were from the artist Basma Bousil, Sham’s close friend, who described them as “two angels.”

While the artist Hend Sabry commented, saying: “May God protect you, O Lord,” and the artist Nicolas Moawad wrote: “May God protect you.”

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