
Heads of military factories meet with workers and follow up on project implementation rates

A number of heads of companies and units affiliated with the Ministry of Military Production held periodic meetings with workers in the context of ensuring the implementation of the directives of Engineer Mohamed Salah El-Din Mustafa, Minister of State for Military Production, regarding the necessity of providing various aspects of care and attention to male and female workers in affiliated companies and units and informing them of developments in production processes.


Engineer Abdul Raouf Abdullah Musa, Head of the Ministry’s Training Sector, organized a meeting for workers in the training sector. (Peace – Helwan), in the presence of Engineer Nasser Fouad Muhammad, Advisor to the Minister for Government Sector Affairs. During the meeting, the head of the training sector expressed his pride in the workers and the efforts they make to raise the status of the sector, indicating that he attaches great importance to communicating with the workers, listening to their demands, and working to achieve them. In accordance with the laws and regulations regulating work, he was also keen during the meeting to listen to their proposals, study them through specialists, and respond to them.

In a related context, a number of heads of The boards of directors of companies affiliated with the Ministry of Military Production held meetings with employees, where Engineer Muhammad Saeed Al-Kharashi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Abu Qir Engineering Industries Company (Military Factory 10), and Engineer Wafiq Magdy Shafiq, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Armored Production and Repair Factory (Military Factory 200), held meetings. Engineer Moez El-Din Ahmed, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Qaha Chemical Industries Company (Military Factory 270)  And Engineer Mohamed Ahmed Al-Asfouri, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Helwan Machinery and Equipment Company (999 Military Factory)  By holding meetings with a number of companies’ employees, headed by them, representing their various sectors, in the presence of their leaders, including heads of sectors and heads of union committees.

 The heads of the boards of directors of the four companies reviewed the executive position of the projects being implemented, and the workers were urged to do more. Of effort and the necessity of adhering to the specified time frames for the purpose of  All projects that are implemented and the necessity of adhering to preventive measures that guarantee the safety of workers. Care was also taken to listen to the workers’ suggestions to develop performance and improve the workflow. Their demands and inquiries were also listened to and responded to, and guidance was given to study the workers’ demands and proposals by specialists.

And it was done.

During these meetings, a number of distinguished employees of these companies were honored due to their excellence in performance. A number of employees who had reached the legal retirement age were also honored and thanked in gratitude and appreciation for their role. During their professional career and pushing the company’s production wheel forward to the fullest extent.


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