Health & Women

Marilyn Noman sings a blood badge in Ramadan

Eagle Films/ Producer Jamal Sinan announced that she signed a contract with the star Marilyn Noman to sing the emblem of the series “Blood”, which is shown in the next Ramadan season, after her great success in presenting a group of songs within the series “A Amal” last year, to turn into a young artistic phenomenon that takes its steps with confidence .

The work that brings together a group of Lebanese drama stars in a story adapted from real events and stories that took place in our Arab societies, his evil will be seen soon, and the song Maryine cooperated for the first time with the composer and poet Nabil Khoury, the owner of dozens of successful songs, and the distributor Tim, to be the fruit of their first song Different the series is similar to the best way.

We recall that “Blood” directed by Philip Asmar, written by, scenario and dialogue by Nadine Jaber, by the star Maggie Bou Ghosn and a group of the most important stars, including the name of Mughniyah, Badi Abu Shakra, Jesse Abdo, Wissam Faris, Julia Kassar, Carole Abboud, Gabriel Yamin, Saeed Sarhan, Rola Bakmamati, Centia Karam, Marilyn Noman, Nawal Kamel, Samara Nahra, Elsie Fernini, Natasha Khidro, Gina Bou Zaid, Tallin Abu Rajili, and Al -Akher Rafik Ali Ahmed. (she has)

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