World News

Moody Party won most of the seats in the legislative elections in the New Delhi region

The ruling Bharatiya Jatata Party led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi won most of the seats in the legislative body elections in the New Delhi region, of great importance in the Indian Federal Region, which includes New Delhi, according to official data today, Saturday, for the first time in more than a quarter of a century.
The party, led by Moody, won 40 seats in the 70 -seat national association, which includes the Indian capital, with a population of 20 million people, toppled the Adami General Party (A.AB), which has ruled New Delhi since 2015.

Popular celebrations

The supporters of the Bharatia Gatata party waved the party’s flags and Modi posters, chanted slogans and danced outside the party headquarters in the capital with the start of the voting results, as most opinion polls expected the voters to leave the polling stations.
Amit Shah, the strong Indian Minister of the Interior and the leader of the Bharatia Gatata Party, said in a statement that the victory of his party indicates that “citizens cannot be misleading lies every time.”
The Bharatia Jatata party failed to obtain a single majority in the national elections that took place last year, but formed the government with coalition partners.
He also gained some of his missing strength by winning the elections in the states of Haryana in the north of the country and Maharashtra in the west of the country.

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