I saw every day burial cars

She pointed out that the arrest in Syria was going through several stages of the laboratory that transmits all matters and ends with the purification, and she said: “We are our Lord in Syria on the basis that the brother is what documents his brother to the world losing confidence in each other and do not constitute any opposition formations, and we are only going to investigate your experience This.
She added: “The first investigation I went to political security in my life in 2009, I was still a minor, and who wrote the report in my teacher in school and the second person is our neighbor in the neighborhood.”
She recounted the difficulties she lived during the detention period for 57 days, and she said: “The speech does not express the real feelings because the observations that I saw cannot be expressed, so I am talking, so I seek to turn them into artwork.”
She revealed during the meeting that she “did not see any cases of harassment, but she heard many stories about this matter,” and continued, “I was not harassed during my prison period, but my harassment was harassed after the arrest, and it means during the period of security investigations, and actually Halshi became the last investigation two years before the fall of the regime.”
She emphasized that she did not give up her civil rights in cooperation with lawyers in order not to lose her because he did not register any ruling against her, but rather was arrested in an arbitrary way.
She was angry with some difficult observations that she lived in prison, and she said: “How does it mean what happened, and I was a branch with a death of about 20 young men of torture and I was seeing every day the burial of the dead transported their bodies in Sobh and touching, how could it be what was angry and lost me silent and I saw Halshi and in people who refused to believe. No, the world died before us.”
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