World News

Surprise .. Initial reading of Kennedy’s assassination documents do not put an end to the speculation of crime

Initial reading of the assassination documents of former US President John Kennedy in November 1963 did not succeed in ending the speculation that a malicious plot was behind the killing.
On Tuesday, the American National Archives published the last batch of crime files, but the initial information about it is still nourishing conspiracy theories after more than 60 years of its occurrence.

Remove confidentiality from the documents

The move comes after President Donald Trump signed an executive order in January to remove the secret from all other files related to the assassination of President Kennedy and his younger brother Robert F. Kennedy, the leader of the civil rights defense movement Martin Luther King Junior.
In recent years, the American Archives and National Documentation Department has published tens of thousands of records related to the Kennedy assassination, but it has kept thousands of other records due to concerns related to national security.

The administration stated when the largest documentation operation was carried out in December 2022 that 97% of Kennedy’s records in the total in 5 million pages were now public.

Warren Committee Investigations

The Warren Committee, which took over the investigation of the shooting of the former president when he was forty -six years old, concluded that a former sniper in the navy named Lee Harvey Ozwald is behaving alone.
However, this official result did not succeed in putting an end to the speculation that a malicious plot was behind the Kennedy killing in Dallas, Texas, while the slow publication of government files fed the conspiracy theories of different.

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