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Mahmoud Yassin Jr. behind the scenes of the first scenes of his series with Yasmine Abdel Aziz

The young star Mahmoud Yassin began “Junior” Filming the first scenes of the series “And You Meet Habib” Starring Yasmine Abdel Aziz, which is scheduled to be shown next Ramadan 2025.




The series “And You Meet a Lover” Written by Amr Mahmoud Yassin, directed by Mohamed Al-Khabiri, produced by Synergy Company, and starring Yasmine Abdel Aziz Karim Fahmy, Khaled Selim, Nicole Saba, Anushka, Salah Abdullah, Hanan Soliman, Rashwan Tawfiq, Badriya Tolba, Iman Al-Sayed, and others.



Mahmoud Yassin Jr. also recently joined the list of heroes of the movie "The Guardian" Starring Hani, while the production company continues to contract with the rest of the stars participating in the film. The film takes place in a suspenseful social context, and Yasmine Rais and Ahmed Al-Rafei participate in the tournament alongside Hani Salama. It is written by Omar Abdel Halim and directed by Yasser Sami.  

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