
Al-Azhar Mosque preacher: Islam urges Muslims to cooperate in good times and bad in order to build a cohesive society

The Friday sermon was delivered today at Al-Azhar Mosque by His Eminence Professor Dr. Hassan Al-Saghir, General Supervisor of the Fatwa Committees at Al-Azhar Mosque, and Assistant Secretary-General of the Islamic Research Academy for Scientific Affairs and Research, the topic of which revolved around cooperation in righteousness and piety.

He said. Dr. Hassan Al-Saghir: The Lord, Blessed and Most High, has urged righteousness and piety. God Almighty said: “And cooperate in righteousness and piety.” ۖ And do not cooperate in sin and transgression ۚ﴾ As the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, urged cooperation, and gave good tidings to those who cooperate that the reward from God is of the same type as the work, so he, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: (And God helps the servant as long as the servant helps his brother.) 

And he explained his virtue. , that God created man and made him social, and it is beautiful In Islamic law, cooperation is facilitated. Every human being has been destined for the goodness and sustenance with which he helps the needy. The matter of cooperation is not limited to those who are able and able, but rather everyone facilitates what he was created for. Therefore, the Lord, Blessed and Most High, alerted us that each one of us must not think that he is only He draws closer to God Almighty through financial worship such as zakat and charity only, and exhortation is not limited to the wealthy and able, but it includes everyone, for the Lord Almighty God Almighty alerted us that drawing closer to Him does not stop at the point of asceticism, but every sane person among us helps others as much as he can. God Almighty said: “O you who have believed, bow down and prostrate and worship your Lord and do good that you may You will succeed.

The preacher of Al-Azhar Mosque pointed out that the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, gave good news to those who cooperate in the world of people to help those in need in establishing the religion and rebuilding the world, that they will have a great reward from God Almighty. He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, says: (Whoever is in need… His brother, God was in his need. Some say, “What do I have that I can help others with and provide for?” The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, affirmed that each one of us can help others with material or other means. He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, says: (Your smile in the face of your brother is charity), so having a fluent face and smiling, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, guiding a man in the land of misguidance, removing harm from the way, and freeing From your bucket in your brother’s bucket, all of them are good deeds through which you can help your brother in what Saladin does And the world. 

The general supervisor of the fatwa committees continued: A kind word is charity. It is one of the ways of cooperating in piety, as Islam is a law that seeks a cooperative society in good times and bad, through which civilizations are established and conditions are improved, and righteousness occurs in this world, prosperity and in the hereafter, and as a matter of facilitating matters: the ways that enable a person to provide relief to the needy and to meet their demands, all the gatherings of dhikr. The combination is that the individual is next to his friends and companions in these gatherings. He also prescribed honoring parents, maintaining family ties, and being kind to neighbors and all people. Even when you reach them, you stand with those in need among them and help them with what they need, which God has made easy for you. We are in dire need of those values ​​and virtues through which cooperation brings meaning and virtue and improves the condition of the universe.

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