World News

At least 14 dead as a result of Hurricane Chido in the French archipelago of Mayotte

At least 14 people were killed in the French archipelago of Mayotte in the Indian Ocean, which was struck on Saturday by the very powerful Cyclone Chido, according to a provisional toll obtained by Agence France-Presse on Sunday from a security source.
Abdel Wahid Sumaila, mayor of Mamoudzou, the largest city in the archipelago, told AFP that nine people were seriously injured and were taken to the Mayotte Hospital Center, while 246 others were moderately injured.

Hurricane Shido

In the Kawini neighborhood, in the capital of the archipelago, Mamoudzou, everything was destroyed, according to what Mounira, a resident of the largest French slum, reported.
The airport was closed until further notice, with wind gusts reaching a maximum speed of 226 kilometers per hour, according to French meteorology.
The facility also suffered “major damage, especially the control tower,” according to a post on the “X” platform by the Minister of Transport in the outgoing French government, François Dufret.

Columns fell and trees were uprooted

The post stated, “Military rescue aircraft will primarily undertake air transport and that ships will be involved in securing supplies.”
The winds caused power outages, with poles falling, trees uprooted, and the tin roofs of homes blown away.
In the city of Ouangani, Mayor Yusuf Ambdi said he feared “the worst… We cannot go out and what we are seeing is beyond description.”

Weather map showing Hurricane Shido - AFP

Heavy rain

The authorities issued a purple warning, meaning that all residents must remain in their homes and not go out, including emergency and security services and all rescue personnel.

The French Meteorological Authority expected “extremely heavy rains with the risk of torrential rains, floods, and high sea waves that could have major impacts on the coast.”
French meteorologists also expect an improvement in weather conditions during the day.

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