
Secretary-General of “A Nation’s Future”: “Medical Responsibility” strikes a balance between protecting patients and ensuring a safe working environment for medical staff.

Rep. Ahmed Abdel-Gawad, Vice President of the Mostaqbal Watan Party and Secretary-General, announced in a press statement his full support for the draft law submitted by the government regulating medical liability and patient protection, which was approved by the Senate Health and Population Committee, because it represents an urgent necessity to achieve Legal protection for the rights of patients and doctors alike.


The Secretary-General of the Nation’s Future Party stressed that the draft law is in accordance with the formula approved by the Committee Health and Population: The Senate strikes a delicate balance between providing legal protection for patients’ rights and ensuring a safe and reassuring work environment for medical staff, as it provides  Fair standards for the legal accountability of doctors protect the rights of patients in a way that prevents any medical negligence from occurring, without compromising the confidence of doctors in practicing their noble mission. The draft law unifies the framework governing civil and criminal liability in a way that combines justice and responsibility, and raises the values ​​of safe medical practice in Service to humanity.

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