
(Landmarks of Islamic Sufism) A lecture by the imams of India at the headquarters of the Al-Azhar Alumni Organization


Dr. Habibullah, Professor  said: At Al-Azhar University: The truth of Sufism stemmed from the guidance of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, which came in detail and clarification of the Holy Qur’an, and the principles of good morals of the Messenger of God,  Scholars have defined Sufism as the science of the hearts that purifies a person’s interior and does not belittle the exterior. This came during a lecture: (Features of Islamic Sufism), within the activities of the training course for imams and preachers  India “Refutation of Extremist Thought”, which is held at the headquarters of the International Organization of Al-Azhar Graduates, via video conference technology, in cooperation with the Al-Azhar International Academy for Training Imams and Preachers.

Dr. Habibullah pointed out that the goal of Sufism is to be a slave. To God Almighty in the highest state, that is the constitution of Sufism, its purpose and goal, and this is what the scholars of Sufism sought, and made it a guiding beacon around which their hopes seek. And their hearts, following the Prophetic approach and the commands and prohibitions of Sharia law.

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