World News

Thousands of Germans demonstrate in protest against the erosion towards the right current

Thousands of people demonstrated today in the city of Ashvburg, Germany, in protest against the erosion towards the right -wing current in politics and society.
This demonstration comes after the appeal incident in a park in the city last Wednesday, killing two people, one of whom was two years old.

German demonstrations against the right current

According to the police data, 3,000 people participated in the demonstration called for by the “Ashvurburg multi -colored” initiative.
The event permeated singing and went peacefully, as the police did not record any incidents, and things also went calmly in small gatherings.
The city of Ashvurg, in the state of Bavaria, in southern Germany, is still living in the atmosphere of sadness after an attack last Wednesday.


Many people gathered at noon in the same garden that saw the killing of the young child and the man.
A police spokesman confirmed that the manifestations of sympathy are still large, as they put flowers and lit candles in the place.
The main memorial ceremony is scheduled to be held tomorrow, Sunday, in the presence of German Interior Minister Nancy Veriz and the Prime Minister of the State of Bavaria Marcus Zoder.

Demonstrations against the extreme right - WDR

Exchanging accusations and escalating discussions

The stabbing attack also resulted in serious injuries, and the suspect was arrested, an Afghan refugee, known to the police.
According to the authorities, this refugee was supposed to have been supposed to move long ago.
This horrific crime sparked an exchange of accusations between the state of Bavaria and the federal government, as well as an escalation of the debate on the immigration policy.

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