Health & Women

Video .. a specialist explains the maximum use of mobile use for children

The educational specialist in the field of childhood, Dr. Abdullah Al -Hussein, said: The use of children for smart devices must be limited according to educational and health standards. Al -Hussein added during an intervention with the news channel, that the maximum use of mobile use for children ranges between half an hour to an hour separate per day, while It is completely prevented from children under two years of age.

He continued that scientific studies and international organizations recommend that children under two years not be exposed to any illuminated tablets, and replace them with games that develop their manual skills, indicating that children from 3 to 5 years old should not use devices for more than half an hour separate, while students of the first grades are in the stage Elementary should not exceed the period of use an hour separately.

The educational specialist also warned that overcoming these limits may lead to addiction cases, which causes psychological and behavioral disorders such as poor concentration, sleep disorders, and visual impairment, and it may lead to autism -like symptoms.

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