
The heads of Arab parliaments discuss a document project to support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and reject the displacement plans

The Preparatory Committee for the Seventh Conference of the Arab Parliament and the heads of Arab councils and parliaments agreed, during its meeting today, Wednesday, in Cairo, provided that the Arab Parliamentary Parliamentary Document project to support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people on its land and reject the plans of displacement and annexation and attempts to liquidate the Palestinian issue a single clause on the conference’s agenda. / Wide, with joint management with the Arab Parliamentary Union; In solidarity with the Palestinian people at this outstanding historical moment.

The preparatory committee for the conference – includes representatives of the heads of Arab councils and parliaments, discussed during its meeting chaired The Palestinian people are on their land and rejected the plan for displacement and annexation and attempts to liquidate the Palestinian issue & quot; in preparation for its approval One of the heads of Arab councils and parliaments at the conference. & Nbsp;

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