Money and business

In numbers … the growth of liquidity levels in the Saudi economy on an annual basis

The “available money” liquidity levels in the Saudi economy system achieved an annual growth of 236,129 million riyals, and at 9%, to reach the level of 2,921,472 million riyals at the end of 2024, compared to 2,685,343 million riyals in 2023 AD.
Its levels reflect the width of the money in its broad and comprehensive concept (N3), as shown by the monthly statistical newsletters of the Saudi Central Bank “Sama” for the month of December.
And the level of liquidity has achieved growth from the beginning of 2024 until the end of December of the same year, at a value of more than 236,129 million riyals, with a rate of 7.4%.

A positive development in liquidity levels

Liquidity levels have witnessed a positive development to record growth within 5 years, specifically since the period (2020-2024) by 36%, and an increase of 772,205 million riyals.
These levels of liquidity are considered an engine of the economic and commercial system, and a contribution to achieving positive rates of economic development.

By reviewing the four components of the cash display (N3) in its broad and comprehensive concept, “demand deposits”, which is the largest contribution to the total, recorded 49.3%, at a value of 1,440,641 million riyals at the end of 2024.
While “time and savings deposits” recorded 949,708 million riyals, as it is the second largest shareholder in the total cash offer by 32.5%.
The “semi -monetary deposits” reached the level of 302,036 million riyals, with a contribution of 10.3% in the total cash offer, to be the third largest shareholder.
Fourth, “Criticism Trading Outside Banks”, at a value of 229,088 million riyals, came with a contribution rate of about 7.8% in the total money offer.

Liquidity levels in the Saudi economy achieve annual growth - agencies

Semi -cash deposits

Semi -monetary deposits consist of deposits of residents in foreign currencies, deposits in exchange for documentary credits, existing transfers, and re -purchases (ribo) carried out by banks with the private sector.
Local liquidity also contains (N1), which includes cash circulating outside banks, in addition to only demand deposits, and (N2) includes (N1).
In addition to time and savings deposits, and the wide definition (N3) includes (N2) in addition to other semi -cash deposits.

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