The Grand Mufti of the Republic: The sources of knowledge in Islam are based on revelation, reason and experience

Dr. Nazir Ayyad, the Mufti of the Republic and the head of the General Secretariat of the role and advisory bodies in the world, said: Among the pivotal questions that the researchers of the truth is a question: What are the sources of knowledge? A person finds it to the knowledge related to his religion and worldly, explaining that the sources of knowledge in the Islamic perception are based on three basic elements, namely: the sincere news of revelation, the proper mind, experience or appearances. East, or gratitude, is a source that is domesticated in the field of recommendation and spiritual education, not in building legal rulings.
& nbsp; {He is the one who sent in the illiterate a messenger of them who recite his signs, and they will bless them and teach them the book and the ruling. ” [الجمعة: 2]And the Almighty said: {And obey God and obey the Messenger} [النساء: 59]And His Glory be to Him: {Say: If you love God, then follow me, God will love you.} [آل عمران: 31]. Noting that the Prophet’s Sunnah is explained and shown to the Qur’an, and an explanation of its provisions. The divine, and called for meditation in the soul and the universe, citing the Almighty saying: {We will see them in our horizons and in their own until they are clear to them that it is the truth.} [فصلت: 53]And the Almighty said: {And in your soul, do you not see?} [الذاريات: 21]And His Glory be to Him: {Say: Walk in the earth and look …} [الروم: 42]And he drew attention to the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ: & laquo, think about the Alaa of God & raquo, indicating that thinking is only with reason. He explained that it is an important cognitive means, especially in the fields of applied sciences, and it is a complement to revelation and reason in realizing reality and understanding its laws. Legitimacy. With it, it is not invoked by legislative.
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