Urgent .. revelation of a royal cemetery in Sohag

Sohag Governorate unveiled more of its archaeological secrets, as the Egyptian -American archaeological mission from the University of Pennsylvania found a royal cemetery from the era of the second transfer in Jabana & quot; Jabal Anubis & quot; Abidos, the Egyptian archaeological mission from the Supreme Council of Antiquities also found a full workshop from the Roman era of the pottery industry in the village of Banouit. More than the ancient Egyptian civilization, but also to help students in their research work and highlight one of the roles of the Supreme Council of Antiquities as a scientific institution. Old. Which belongs to a series of kings who ruled in Upper Egypt between 1700-1600 BC, and it also adds new information to the kings of this family and a deeper understanding of the complex political history of the second transition era in Egypt. Wide to store utensils, and a group of 32 Ostraka in the Demotigi script and the Greek language explains commercial transactions at that time and the way to pay taxes. By the mission in 2014, it is much larger than the other graves previously known and attributed to & quot; the Abydos family & quot; pointing out that the name of the owner of the cemetery has not yet been identified. Limest, covered with cellars of mud bricks originally up to about 5 meters, and there are residue of inscriptions on both sides of the entrance leading to the burial room of the two deities Isis and Nafhtis, with yellow written tapes that were one day carrying the name of the king in the hehythphs, and similar to the style of motifs and texts in his style that was previously discovered in the cemetery of King & quot Kay & quot;
and Ganner added that the mission will perform more research and study during the coming period to determine the history of the cemetery in accuracy. (1874-1855 BC) to make its huge tomb below that natural hierarchical summit in a precedent, the first of its kind in Egyptian civilization, as well as a number of kings of the thirteenth family, and after them the kings & ldquo; the family of Abydos & rdquo; Those who built their graves in the sole of the desert near the mountain, the most famous of which is the King’s Cemetery & quot; Snip Kay & quot; Which is the oldest royal cemetery decorated in ancient Egypt. Most likely, family graves for men and women and the majority of these burials from children.
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