"Top Media": The “sun” fined 50 thousand pounds, “Echo of the Country” 75 thousand and “Al -Nahar” 100 thousand

The Supreme Council for Media Regulation, headed by Eng. Khaled Abdulaziz, decided, based on the recommendation of the Complaints Committee, headed by Professor Essam Al -Amir, to reward the & laquo; sun & raquo; Performing a sum of 50 thousand pounds, from the provisions of violations in the episode of the program & laquo; the most difficult question & raquo; The broadcast on March 14, 2025 by the guest/ Hani Al -Salhi, and obliging all satellite channels to prevent his appearance on its screens, and to inform MP Tariq Saada, the captain of the media, the violations of the media attributed to the media/ Musab al -Abbasi. By performing a sum of 75 thousand pounds from the provisions of the violations of the episode of the & laquo program & raquo; The broadcast on March 11, 2025, the introduction of the journalist/Ihab Al -Koumi and the suspension of the program’s display for a month.
& nbsp; With the warning and the performance of a sum of 100 thousand pounds for the provisions of the violations of the program & laquo; Al -Arafa & Raquo; Because it turned out to have anonymous news that would raise Egyptian football fans and assign the General Administration of Monitoring to follow up the page activity to verify that the violation was not repeated. & Nbsp;
& nbsp; On the & quot; YouTube & quot; To discuss it with what included it commented on the Al -Ahly and Zamalek volleyball match on March 16, 2025.
& nbsp; For a hearing in what was included in the General Administration of Monitoring report on the nature of the program’s program activity.
& nbsp;
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