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Including Egypt .. the 5 best African countries leading in the field of education

Publishing & quot; Pinsse Day & quot; Nigerian report, today, Wednesday, on 5 leading African countries in the field of education as a result of following noticeable steps in improving their educational systems, and obtained global recognition of their efforts."RTL"> The site, the English spokesman, noted that education plays a decisive role in the development of the nation, as it contributes to the formation of its future leaders, its working power and its comprehensive progress."RTL"> Global classifications offer a valuable overview of the situation of various countries. The classification of & quot; the best countries in education for the year 2024 & quot;, prepared by US News, is presented as this."RTL"> Based on an opinion poll that included approximately 17 thousand people, these classifications take into account three main factors: the strength of the general education system in the country, and whether students want to study there, and their reputation in relation to high -quality universities."RTL"> According to the classifications, these five countries emerge as the best in the continent based on their global classifications in the field of education."RTL"> 1. South Africa & LDQUO; ranked 39th globally & rdquo;"RTL"> South Africa leads the African continent in the field of education, as it ranked 39 globally. South Africa is proud of a sophisticated high education system, which includes prestigious international institutions such as Cape Town University, the University of Whitatrrend and Stelinbush University. South Africa is invested greatly in research and innovation, which makes its universities attractive to students from all over the world."RTL"> 2. Egypt & LDQUO; 41th rank globally & rdquo;"RTL"> Egypt is ranked second, and it has established a strong pillars in the field of education, as it ranked 41 globally. The country has a long history of academic excellence, as its institutions such as Cairo University and the American University in Cairo have international recognition. Reforms and recent investments in digital learning have contributed to strengthening the education sector in Egypt."RTL"> 3. Morocco & LDQUO; ranked 55th globally & rdquo;"RTL"> Morocco is third in Africa, ranked 55th in the world. She has made remarkable progress in improving opportunities to obtain education and improve learning quality. The presence of prestigious institutions, such as Mohamed V University in Rabat, also contributed to promoting the distinguished academic reputation of Morocco."RTL"> 4. Kenya & LDQUO; ranked 71th globally & rdquo;"RTL"> Kenya is ranked fourth, ranked 71 globally. The country has made remarkable progress in expanding access to education, especially through its free policies in primary and secondary education. Kenya includes some of the best universities in Africa, including the University of Nairobi and the University of Sterrammore. Kenya is also a pioneer in integrating technology into education, through many initiatives aimed at promoting digital education."RTL"> & nbsp;

5. Ghana & LDQUO; ranked 73th globally & rdquo;"RTL"> Ghana is ranked fifth, ranking 73th globally. This West African country has made a remarkable progress in the field of education, with a great focus on free and compulsory basic education. Institutions such as Ghana University and the University of Kwami Nakroma continue to graduate first -class graduates.

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