
Sheikh Al -Azhar explains: Launch "wise" Humans are permissible, provided that they are not similar to God

The Grand Imam, Dr. Ahmed Al -Tayeb, Sheikh of Al -Azhar Al -Sharif, confirmed that the name of God & quot; Al -Hakim & quot; Among the names that Glory be to Him and it is not permissible for anyone to share it when this name is taken from the divine wisdom that is & quot; the knowledge of Ashraf is known for the Ashraf of Science & quot; citing the words of the imams of the commentators such as Al -Ghazali and Al -Razi, who saw that the wise is & quot; who knows the most honorable things in the best science & quot; His speech today with the twenty -first episode of the program & quot; Imam Al -Tayeb & quot; Humans are permissible when it is intended & quot; Al -Razin or the sane & quot; but he warned against analogy with the qualities of God, stressing: & quot; The eternal divine and & quot; Knowledge & quot; Humanity acquired, noting that knowledge assumes a precedent ignorance, which is impossible for God Almighty, pointing to the relationship between material sciences and faith, saying: & quot; modern science pushes you to search for God & quot;

and in his response to the saying of some that & laquo; religion is not a science and that the hadith in religion is permissible for everyone, while the hadith is limited to knowledge only Specialists & Raquo; the Grand Imam said that the mental thought that exists in Muslim philosophers, but the divine and idealists in general, is diminished without the sensory sciences, explaining that the difference between the material world and the divine world, for example, is that the material world is satisfied with the middle of the road and ends, citing experiences such as boiling water at 100 degrees, which shows that natural laws are designed with a divine will, and a divine will. Warning about the attributes of the qualities that occur to God, stressing that his characteristics are eternal, and that he is not imagined that the old is characterized by an emergency.

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