
The righteousness of parents and charity to them is a condition for accepting worship … and their disobedience is a crime

The Al -Azhar Mosque was held, after Tarawih prayers, Al -Azhar Forum for Contemporary Islamic Issues, and today’s topic came under the title: & quot; Parents’ rights in Islam & quot; in the presence of Dr. Saber Taha, the dean of the former College of Da`wah, and Dr. Habib Allah Hassan, Professor of Creed at the College of Islamic and Arab Studies, and presented by Dr. Hani Odeh, Director General of the Al -Azhar Mosque.

at the beginning of the meeting, Al -Azhar, that the will of God Almighty wished that the Holy Qur’an is the remaining miracle until the Hour is established, indicating that when we contemplate the verses of the Holy Qur’an, we find that God Almighty set legislation and duties that would straighten the whole society in its light, as the noble prophetic Sunnah came to confirm what came in the Holy Qur’an, or to show what needs to be clarified, or to separate what is more beautiful. That the rights of parents in Islam are an extremely important issue, as the Holy Qur’an emphasized in more than one place, as if it reveals a very great matter, in that the person is commanded to worship God who created him, and that his loyalty to his parents, who were the cause of his existence. Courted by calling for the unification of God Almighty, as in the Almighty saying & laquo; and worship God and do not share anything with him and the parents with charity & raquo; explaining that whoever thanked God without & nbsp; To thank his parents will not be accepted by work, adding that the righteousness of the parents is one of the attributes of the prophets, peace be upon them. Good ۚ Either you want one of them, one of them, or both of them, do not say to them, and do not let them down, and say that there is no saying that there is a lot of people, for the sake of one of us. He explained that they also have rights even after their death, to spend their religion and give charity to them, we seek forgiveness for them and invite them and to honor their friends and reach their wombs, but in the world, a person must spend on his parents, and that his parents should not precede the walk, and not sit before him, and not call him in his name, and not to be exposed to the reasons or insults. Burma and warning against their disobedience is an order that the laws of heaven agreed upon and met the wisdom of the wise, explaining that the wisdom of the wise does not differ from the laws of heaven in righteousness and in the link of God’s command to communicate, stressing that the mother and his righteousness and righteousness have a special specificity in Islam, that privacy is extravagant to the general righteousness with parents and charity to them.

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