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Jordanian MPs: Announcement "Aqaba" It confirms the strength of Egyptian-Jordanian coordination regarding the unity of Syria and condemnation of the Israeli incursion

 Members of the Jordanian House of Representatives confirmed that the announcement of the Arab Ministerial Liaison Committee on Syria, issued after its meeting in the Jordanian city of Aqaba today, Saturday, confirms the strength of Egyptian-Jordanian-Arab coordination regarding the developments that Syria has witnessed over the past weeks, stressing that the unity of Syria Its security and stability represent a clear Egyptian, Jordanian, Arab position.

The Jordanian representatives said, in statements by the director of the Middle East News Agency office in Amman, that “Aqaba” announcement It consolidates the concept of Arab national security and the mutual concern between Egypt and Jordan for the unity of Arab lands and the rejection of foreign interference, stressing that the Israeli incursion into Syrian territory and exploiting the situation is rejected and condemned, as confirmed by the Egyptian-Jordanian position in the same regard.

MP Moataz said. Abourman, Chairman of the Work Committee of the Jordanian House of Representatives, said that the “Aqaba” announcement He came to confirm the Jordanian official, popular and parliamentary position, which is the necessity of preserving the unity of the Syrian territories and respecting the choices of the Syrian people, indicating that Jordan has always supported the state and the Syrian people and is working to stabilize it and maintain its security.


< p>Abu Rumman added that what was stated in the “Aqaba” declaration He represents the unified Arab position against foreign interference in Syrian affairs and maintaining the security and stability of Syria, stressing that the position of Egypt and Jordan has been clear since the outbreak of the Syrian crisis, which is the necessity of establishing a unified Syrian state and a unified people without dividing Syria and its people.

He pointed out that Egypt and Jordan always work to resolve Arab issues through peaceful means and stop conflicts and wars, stressing that Cairo and Amman support the rights of the Palestinian and Syrian people to establish an independent, sovereign state far from regional tensions. And international organizations, with an emphasis on the rejection of the Israeli incursion into Syrian territory and the exploitation of the current situation.

In turn, Representative Dina Al-Bashir, a member of the Jordanian House of Representatives, confirmed that confirming the “Aqaba” declaration To stand by the Syrian people, to provide them with all assistance and support at this delicate stage, and to respect their will and choices, comes in line with the position of the Jordanian state leadership, government and people, indicating that Jordan respects the will of the peoples and works with them in order to build a unified state and rejects any attempt at division or division. Territorial abandonment.

She pointed out that Egypt and Jordan, from the first moment of the new situation in Syria, were emphasizing the necessity of Syrian territorial integrity and supporting a peaceful political transition process. Syria is inclusive and pure, in which all Syrian political and social forces are represented, explaining that Egyptian-Jordanian cooperation and coordination is permanent and ongoing and has been evident since the first moment of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and today also with the new situation in Syria.

She explained that Jordanian foreign policy Egypt is based on respecting the internal affairs of countries and not interfering in them, as well as preserving the Arab position that supports Arab unity and rejects division, stressing that the “Aqaba” declaration Regarding Syria, it fulfills the ambitions, desires, and hopes of the Jordanian, Egyptian, and Arab street, which is to preserve Syria, its security, stability, and its people.

For her part, Representative Faliha Al-Khudair, a member of the Jordanian House of Representatives, expressed her support for everything stated in the “Aqaba” Declaration. Especially with regard to the unity, security and stability of Syria and the condemnation of the Israeli incursion into Syrian territory, stressing that the international community must build on what was stated in the Aqaba statement following the meeting of Arab foreign ministers in order to stop the Israeli attacks on Syrian territory.

She said " “Egypt and Jordan have been in continuous communication, cooperation and uninterrupted coordination since October 7, 2023 and the aggression against the Gaza Strip and before that, as well as recently with the developments of the situation in Syria.” Pointing out that the Egyptian-Jordanian position has always supported the unity, security and stability of Syria, not only since the fall of the regime, but since the outbreak of the crisis in Syria.

She saw that Egypt and Jordan are working towards the delicate stage in Syria, which requires a comprehensive national dialogue and the solidarity of the Syrian people. With all its components, sects, and political and social forces, to build the free, safe, stable, and unified Syria that the Syrian people deserve after long years of suffering and sacrifices, stressing that this is not strange to Arabist Egypt and Hashemite Jordan. Cairo and Amman always and forever emphasize the unity of the Arab countries and their territories and reject foreign interference.

The Arab Ministerial Liaison Committee on Syria held a meeting today, Saturday, in the city of Aqaba (southern Jordan), at the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, The committee includes: Egypt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Iraq, the Republic of Lebanon, and the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, with the participation of the foreign ministers of the United Arab Emirates. The United Nations, and the Kingdom of Bahrain (the current president of the Arab Summit).

It should be noted that the committee was formed pursuant to Resolution No. 8914 issued by the extraordinary session of the Council of the League of Arab States at the ministerial level, and the attendees discussed the developments that Syria witnessed over the course of The past weeks.  

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