World News

The launch of the work of the Economic Committee of the Economic and Social Council of the Arab League headed by Bahrain

The work of the Economic Committee of the Economic and Social Council of the Arab League, headed by Nawaf Hashem Al -Sada, the representative of Bahrain, was launched today, Monday, in the presence of Ambassador Ali bin Ibrahim Al -Maliki, Assistant Secretary -General, Head of the Economic Affairs Sector at the Arab League, in preparation for the convening of the 115th session of the Economic and Social Council , It is scheduled to be held at the ministerial level next Thursday, headed by the Kingdom of Bahrain.

& nbsp. For the Economic and Social Council, and the activity of the General Secretariat between the council & LDQUO; 114-115 & rdquo;. The level of the summit in its 34th regular session in Iraq. On ways to support small and medium enterprises in the State of Palestine, at the request of the State of Palestine, investment in the Arab countries, and the executive plan for the Arab Water Security Strategy in the Arab region to confront the challenges and future requirements for sustainable development 2030 & quot;

He pointed out that a project is a project The agenda also includes the unified Arab economic report for the year 2025, the preparation of specialized annual annual studies on the conditions of agricultural technologies and the analysis of the use of agricultural lands and the effects of climate changes on agricultural production in the Arab countries at the request of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Ambassador Maliki stated that The work of the committee will discuss the tax exemption agreement from taxes and fees & ldquo; taxes & rdquo; The customs on the activities and equipment of the Arab air carrier -the modified, and the agreement to organize the procedures for maritime transport for passengers and goods between Arab countries. The statute of the amended system of the Arab coordination mechanism to reduce disaster risk. The committee also discusses the amendment of the articles of association of the Arab Ministerial Council for Electricity, the topics related to organizations and joint Arab action institutions, reports and decisions of the ministerial councils and specialized committees.

in turn .. express The representative of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Nawaf Hashem, the masters, for his thanks and appreciation to the United Arab Emirates for its wise leadership and its distinguished presidency of the previous session of the Economic and Social Council, and his thanks to the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States for their sincere efforts in preparing and preparing for the committee meeting. > He said that the Kingdom of Bahrain, based on the directives of its wise leadership and in light of its presidency of the 33rd Arab Summit and the current session of the Economic and Social Council, renews its affirmation of its deeply established commitment to enhance Arab economic integration as a strategic priority, & nbsp; in addition to developing the economic cooperation system to achieve sustainable economic development. >

He referred to his country’s commitment to achieving the common development goals of member states, which contributes to strengthening our economies in facing global and regional challenges. Arab economic integration.

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