
Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid honors the winner of the Creative Government Innovations Award

Her Highness Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, President of the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority, “Dubai Culture”, honored the “Palfo Power” project, winner of the “Creative Government Innovations” award, within the activities of the World Summit of Governments 2025.

Among the main events accompanying the summit, the creative project of the creative governments, which was organized entitled “The Impact of Butterfly”, presented the main events accompanying the summit, which won the winning project within 10 innovative projects chosen, among more than 150 innovative projects around the world, which included 19 countries: the United States of America and Kenya, Zambia, Uganda, Palau, Italy, Australia, the United Kingdom, India, China, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru, Vietnam, South Korea, Cameroon, the Netherlands and Poland.

– concrete results
The Creative Government Innovations Exhibition presented a Palau experience, a small island in the Pacific, in the face of the challenges imposed by tourism on its ecosystem, through an innovative solution represented in “Palau pledge”, which is the first migration visa in the world dedicated to preserving the environment, based on Obliging every visitor to sign a pledge, which is sealed in his passport, in which he is committed to following the responsible tourism policy that protects the environment and respects the local culture.

The initiative was able to issue more than a million pledges, and achieved concrete results, which included reducing the accreditation of monochrome plastic by 50 %, and the Palau model also inspired countries such as New Zealand and Hawaii to adopt similar initiatives.

The Mohammed Bin Rashid Center for Government Innovation organized the seventh edition of the “creative governments innovations”, with the support of the first Abu Dhabi Bank, the exclusive partner of the exhibition, in an annual initiative to celebrate innovation, and introduce the participants in the World Summit of Governments to the most prominent experiences, initiatives and innovative solutions developed by governments, and providing an opportunity to exchange Knowledge and enable officials to test innovative tools that help them prepare for the future and manage their governments in a manner that is compatible with its requirements.

– Modernity and the ability to repetition and impact
An independent jury consisting of experts and specialists in world -class institutions and in the governmental and private sectors and international and academic organizations, worked to conduct the final evaluation of innovations, within three criteria for evaluation, including the standard of modernity, through which the extent of the different solution is evaluated from what is currently followed, And to what extent does innovation depend on new models, operations and technologies, the standard of ability to repeat and apply in other governments and countries, and the possibility to inspire them to develop new ideas and innovations, and the standard of impact, and focuses on the scale and how difficult the challenge that innovation seeks to solve, in addition to the extent of the solution to improvement The circumstances surrounding the challenge.

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