
Urgent .. cubs "Z FC" They swept the Jordanian Iris Sports 6-2

ZFC achieved the first victory in the Dubai Confederations Cup U-13, at the expense of the Jordanian Airis Sports team with a score of 6-2, to bring the team the first three points at the start of the team’s career in the championship, scored the goals, Fares Wael Abbas, Iyad Hassan Hamdi, and Malik Tamer Hussein, Ahmed Saad, is preparing & quot; Z & quot; To confront the Emirati unit and the AC Milan Club tomorrow, Wednesday.

& nbsp; Year, after the team performed a strong performance in the first championship matches, whether at the technical or plans, and expected a brilliant future for many elements The team.

& nbsp; Shadi Hisham, assisted by Alaa Abdel -Raouf as a general coach, and Abdullah Farouk, assistant coach, and Hazem Faraj, goalkeeper coach. Version 2023.

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