Money and business

Mohammed bin Rashid issues a law on the courts of the Dubai International Financial Center

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, “God bless him”, in his capacity as ruler of the Emirate of Dubai, issued Law No. (2) of 2025, regarding the courts of the Dubai International Financial Center, where the law stipulated the organization of the affairs of the judicial and administrative bodies of the center’s courts and determining their competencies, and that the courts of the Dubai International Financial Center be practiced (and (the Court of Appeal and Courts of First Instance and the Court of Small Clashes), Its tasks and competencies independently in accordance with the provisions of this law and the laws and regulations of the center and the rules of the court.

In support of the commitment of the Dubai International Financial Center’s courts to submit an effective set of conflict settlement mechanisms, the new law provides an alternative path to resolving and settling disputes, as the new law stipulated the establishment of a mediation services center that allows the parties to negotiate to settle their conflicts friendly with the assistance of brokers registered with the courts of the Dubai International Financial Center, and the head of the center determines his work system and competencies and procedures to be followed before him.

According to the new law, the courts of the Dubai International Financial Center are specialized, not others, to consider and adjudicate the requests and civil, commercial and customable cases that are submitted from or on the center’s bodies or institutions, or that the center’s bodies or institutions of the center are a party.

It is also concerned with requests, civil, commercial and customable claims arising from or related to contracts, whether they are concluded, completed or implemented partially or collectively inside the center or will be implemented actually, or it is supposed to be implemented in the center, according to explicit conditions stipulated in those contracts, as well as requests and lawsuits related By the facts or transactions associated with the center’s bodies or the institutions and activities of the center or the activity of workers in any of them, whenever they are completed or partial within the center, requests and lawsuits arising from or related to the bonds of the establishment or registered in the center, and the commandments of the non -Muslim registered with the court Requests to recognize or ratify arbitration rulings in accordance with the arbitration law in force within the Dubai International Financial Center.

The law stipulates that the Dubai International Financial Center courts are concerned with considering and adjudicating the requests for temporary measures and reservation related to requests and claims that are entered into the jurisdiction of the center’s courts, inquiring about the true identity of the defendant or to the potential defendant to prosecute before the center’s courts, as well as inquire about funds or assets owned by the defendant or the applicant. In requests and cases that are entered into the jurisdiction of the courts, requests, cases, or arbitration procedures raised or that will be submitted outside the Dubai International Financial Center, provided that the appropriate memorization measures are taken within the center.

The law also defined the provisions of the Dubai International Financial Courts, the procedures for litigation, proof, urgent matters and implementation, and the exception to providing compensation pledge, technical defects, procedural defects, and progress.

This law shall replace the Law No. (10) of 2004, and Law No. (12) of 2004 regarding the courts of the Dubai International Financial Center, and any text in any other legislation is canceled to the extent in which it contradicts the provisions of Law No. (2) of 2025, and the implementation of the regulations and decisions issued in implementation of the Law of Center No. (10) of 2004 and Law No. (12) of 2004 referred to, to the range in which it does not contradict with The provisions of Law No. (2) for the year 2025, until the issuance of the regulations and decisions that replace them.

This law is published in the official newspaper, and it shall be worked on from the day following the date of its publication.

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