29 thousand commercial and service companies join the Dubai Chamber of Commerce in 2024

A recent analysis of the Dubai Trade Chamber, one of the three rooms operating under the umbrella of Dubai Chamber.
According to a press release issued today, the analysis showed that the number of companies operating in the construction sector that joined the Chamber’s membership during the past year reached 7,434 companies with an annual growth of 33% compared to the number of new companies operating in the same sector that joined the Chamber’s membership in the year 2023.
Dubai Chamber of Commerce membership during the past year witnessed 23,204 new companies operating in real estate, rent and business services, with an annual growth of 8.4%, while the number of new companies operating in transportation, storage and communications activities for the Chamber’s membership reached 5,901 companies with a growth of 8.3% compared to 2023.
The financial mediation activity recorded an increase in the number of new companies joining the Chamber’s membership during the past year by 8.3%, as it numbered 1,830 companies.
The total number of new companies joining the Dubai Chamber of Commerce during the past year had reached 70,500 companies, which reflects the attractiveness of Dubai and its competitive ingredients for investors around the world.
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