Art and celebrities

"My sisters".. a drama of a strand is an exceptional creativity

The starting sequence suggests the most successful drama & quot; my sisters & quot; Which was presented during the first half of the holy month that we are facing an exceptional work that does not resemble his counterpart from the dramas that were presented during the same period; The Tatar does not reveal, as is often used to dramas, the content expected to be seen during the events of the series; A vague sequence is just a quick view of a set of successive pictures of walls that were shocked by the years … As if it is a group of pictures of the houses deserted by its residents; While these walls kept despite all this wilt with a state of warmth and mystery a kind of remarkable beauty; It is curious with its design and its inspired by excitement and anticipation of the unexpected events and an exclusive events that we will see and see. The work may seem closer to fantasy than to traditional social drama; In fact, it is a dramatic work that places you under all possibilities that carry a degree of fantasy and comedy; Another capable of complex and intertwined human relationships in the forms of love between sisters and husbands. Who suffers from severe suffering in her marital relations with a sick man who tries to impose his control and his power once by assaulting and once prevented her from visiting and meeting her sisters because he sees that she does not like them & nbsp; she is the most pure and innocent of them all; It always seeks to protect it from mixing them; On the day of meeting with them for lunch, we see a state of aversion and hatred between these brothers and this man, then we see other bilateral relationships & quot; Farhat & quot; And & quot; Nahid & quot; and & quot; Hisham & quot; And & quot; Suha & quot;; The events turn and the husband of Najla dies to start absurd paradoxes about the circumstances of his death, the first of which is to put it in the refrigerator until they find a solution in taking the burial permit without being subjected to legal accountability. & Nbsp;

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& nbsp; & quot; my sisters & quot; Human drama in which the author Mohab Tariq and director Mohamed Shaker Khudair are free from the ideal drama in drawing the character of the hero who always seeks to reveal the truth and victory for good over evil; There is no one hero but all of them heroes; Or work itself is the hero; Then dealing with a woman as an emotional state and not as a subject for an issue that needs pleading and defense; Each of them has a kind of internal female weakness towards something that you seek to achieve; & quot; Nahid & quot; And & quot; dreams & quot; .. she seeks to improve her standard of living and the livelihood of her children and takes advantage of the money she obtained by chance to put them in a higher and higher social environment than her environment; & quot; Suha & quot; Lost unites with her dreams that turn into a reality in which she lives in great confusion; These emotional cases of women who were collected by dream and the bond of brotherhood and love; Among them is a hidden secret that always makes them in a state of interconnection and cohesion, no matter how different and quarrels together, and things have reached them to the edge; They always feel a state of belonging to each other. The belonging is here. The foundation stone on which the entire series was built. Despite his fingering or quoting his basic story from the Irish series & quot; Bad Sisters & quot;

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, except that Mohab Tariq was able to make it a dramatic work belonging to the Egyptian popular environment with distinction; Starting with the songs used in separate scenes of more than one old and modern singer and described the singer & quot; Sherine & quot; Always that it & quot; Egypt’s voice & quot; As if it is a referral to the same work as the voice of Egypt; And the affiliation of a son of a popular dance team; The end of the popular class belonging to the heroes, whether girls and their husbands; Their personal nature .. the style of speech .. the chaotic method is closest to & quot; In resolving crises and exiting the dilemma & nbsp; then old houses, furniture colors and paintings hanging on the walls of their homes and dim lighting in the state of warmth that collected these old housing; All these elements were mixed with the characters of their heroes to produce a work that belongs to the Egyptian environment with all its aesthetics and complications.

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& nbsp; The mistakes came to bring them together and increase their union; The biggest and ugliest mistakes were to commit the act of killing; Get rid of the abusive sister’s husband; The killing here is not intended as a criminal act that deserves punishment, but it is a kind of symbol in expressing interdependence and unity in the face of any possible external risk from the other; This is the most preferred sister because she is the youngest. There is a kind of sense of responsibility and protection towards her .. Thus he sought to freeze and stop his movement from life in front of her by placing it in the refrigerator of the house as if it was a neglected food that was frozen until he considered the matter of throwing it with garbage. Frozen Then the end of the last episode, which emphasizes the idea of ​​their constant sense of responsibility & nbsp, towards & quot & quot; When I ship in black in front of her wish to marry her old lover; They appear in a threat situation for him if they are offended, they will re -fulfill the old dream … as if the main event is repeated again !!; Likewise, the personalities of husbands, Farhat, who justifies the theft and the sale of the bodies of the dead to improve his material condition, as he does not stop his addiction to cannabis; Perhaps the only most ideal personality is the character of Hisham, the loyal loving husband; Savior in his love for his ancient Egyptian ancestors, who feels his great affiliation with them and loyal to his wife, who forgives her and helps her for anything for her happiness; And the servants of the naive husband who exploits the game of fate for marriage & quot; Ahlam & quot; Against it; These interlocking diodes and characters that carry a lot of faces inside have made a rich dramatic work at several levels; This work carried patterns of varying human beings, in the end, the feeling of belonging to each other and the love that does not change despite the mistakes that each of them was involved in as a result of an error or or by fate.

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comes dual & quot; Nahid & quot; And & quot; Farhat & quot; On top of these diodes Kinda Alloush and Hatem Salah; In addition to the joy and the status of the smooth comedy that made them between them from the intensity of cohesion and chemistry that brought together the spouses was Hatim and Kinda who are very aware of the complex psychological internal dimensions of both of them; Hatem Salah did not provide merely a comedian as a comedian who possesses this skill; While the ridicule came from the feeling of this permanent man with bitterness and his endeavor to be absent from consciousness so that he exceeded the crises of his life, the first of which is his work & quot; raised & quot; Then trade in the bodies of the dead and his desire to make his wife happy with failed theft attempts; Farhat always suggests a man who suffers from a narrow situation and a sense of inferiority is always a feeling of guilt mixed with mockery and bitterness; The guilt of the mistakes he makes in his life and the bitterness for his permanent failure to fulfill his dream of wealth from behind these repeated mistakes, then his failure in front of his wife and her permanent contempt would be due to all of the above; Likewise, Kinda Alloush was very aware of this despised wife of her husband, who loves his love for her, as she loves his failed attempts to satisfy her despite her hatred of his actions and recklessness that she cannot dispense with and his permanent containment .. All these internal feelings inherent between these two spouses were always present in the performance of Hatem Salah Al -Waha, who predicts a fully mature and talent; Likewise, Kinda Alloush, which was able with great skill, was able to present the role of the popular woman with the movement of her body, hairstyle, and jaw sprain while chewing & quot; frankincense & quot; As well as her grief to lose the dream of motherhood; The appearance and participation of the artist Mohamed Mamdouh was also in the role of & quot; Abdeen & quot; A separate imprint on work in his first episodes, Mamdouh came with this firm talent to have a great impact on the same viewers and & quot; Ahlam & quot; That he left the wedding night after she married her against her will; Mamdouh presented the personality of Abdin, the traditional, naive employee who loves a woman who always rejects him and then smiles to him and fate is to marry her, but the marriage was not completed so that the fate also interfered and the man dies on the wedding night of these paradoxes in the games of destiny with which the author spin the story to enrich the work at the level of meaning and the content of the misfortune of this lady with the men; Likewise, Muhammad Mamdouh enriches his wonderful performance of Abdin’s personality; Then Ali Sobhi in the role of Hisham. Here we see Ali in another dress after his great success in & quot; under guardianship & quot; He wears the clothes of the Egyptian man who loves his ancient and loyal Egyptian ancestors for them and his wife, and he is the most consistent and closest personality to Ali with a smoothness and great professionalism in his permanent surrender in weakness and refraction in front of his love for his work and his wife, the weight of Sobhi, his emotion and his performance with a sensitive balance; The quiet comedy that Nelly Karim played another rhythm of joy to the character & quot & quot; Psychologically disturbed, who suffers from a self -confidence crisis, is always trying to hide behind her violent, angry reactions that reach the point of lengthening; Wajan Al -Shamsharji, who offers a surprise with her pleasant smooth performance this year, is a birth of the birth of & quot & quot; It does not depend only on her external beauty, while making a clear effort in performing the character in all psychological dimensions with a distinguished participation with Basant Abu Pasha and Ali Qasim, a new struggle added to the personality and added more to the events; Ahmed Hatem also had a distinguished presence, whether by performing the personality of this bad husband or his performance of the role of the dead over the course of more than one episode; Ruby also created her harmonious performance of the role of & quot & quot; Between a feeling of pride and pride to bear the role of the father and mother in the lives of her children and the tone of begging, which covered this feeling during her talk about her life for every transient; A visually rich artwork and a drama that carries an exception in its containing types and forms of drama .. It may consider it a comedic work that carries something of fantasy or a work that triumphs for women with great sweetness, such as the Modofar cinema with its emotional sensitivity towards the woman, as women are the top hand in the dramatic act; Or a social drama that triumphs for the poor that reviews the human weakness towards the lust of money and the desire to get rich in a consumer society governed by capitalism and then the collapse of the image and values ​​of the popular class, which suggests the beginning of the beginning of the ballet walls that its inhabitants deserted; Thus, Shaker Khudair and Tariq Tariq gave us a larger carrier with exceptional creativity. & nbsp;

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