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Al -Ghawi series, Episode 2: The past of Shams is chasing it and new challenges after stealing the Khawaja bag

The events of the second episode of Al -Ghawi series revealed part of the personal past & laquo; Shams & raquo;, embodied by Ahmed Makki, where he mastered boxing during his youth, while his friends were & laquo; Ali & raquo; (Karam Jaber) and & Laquo; Fares & Raquo; (He was practicing wrestling). Take advantage of the teacher & “Rajeh & RAKUO; (Muhammad Lutfi) their sporting skills to form an army of young people, and they deluded them that they are defending the oppressed, but he used them in violence and quarrels.

After the death of & laquo; Fares & raquo; In one of the quarrels, pledge & laquo; Shams & raquo; And & laquo; Ali & raquo; To stay away from this road completely.

The events go back to the present time, where & laquo; Shams & raquo; In the theft of the Khawaja bag & laquo; Amr Abdul Jalil & raquo;, which contains one million dollars, in revenge for what he did with his friend & laquo; (Coriander), who caused his death.

However, differences arise between & laquo; Shams & raquo; And his friends who want to divide the entire amount between them, except that & laquo; Shams & Raquo; He strongly rejects and assures them that these funds are the right & laquo; It reveals & laquo; Shams & Raquo; He hid the bag until things calm down before he started distributing money."1390" Data-vast-node ="" Data-is-only-node ="" Data-Start ="1070"> On the other side, Al -Khawaja continues & raquo; (Amr Abdel Jalil) his attempts to reach the one who stole his bag, and when he rides his car, he finds the & laquo duties; Shams & raquo; Inside. Al -Khawaja asks his men to search for & laquo; Shams & Raquo; but they fail to find it. Then, Al -Khawaja decides to use the son of his sister’s sister & laquo; Yunus & raquo; As a way to click on & Laquo; Shams & Raquo; believing that he would force him to appear himself.

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