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The most beautiful Turkish actresses who presented the role of the mother and loved by the audience

Turkish drama has been distinguished in recent years, by the progress of series and films, some of which have achieved wide success in the Arab world, and the stars always shine with their looks and beauty on the screen, but there are stars who are distinguished in presenting the role of the mother in Turkish drama, and on the occasion of Mother’s Day, we review with you the most beautiful Turkish actresses who presented the role of the mother in Turkish dramas.

Zerine tickor
The Turkish artist Zerin Tikandour is famous for her distinguished role in Turkish drama, where she excelled in presenting the role of the mother, in a different and striking way, especially since she always maintains her grace and beauty, and no one forgets her beautiful role in the series “Forbidden Love”, which was produced in 2008, and has achieved success and wide fame so far.

She also participated with actor Kivanc Tatlitug in many works, in which she presented the role of the mother, including the series of the return of Muhannad, the first part and the second part, and the movie “Laith and Nora” produced in 2013.

Zerine tickor

She appeared in a different role in the famous series “Blind Love” with the artist Burak Ozgivit, Neslihan Atagul, who won the admiration of the fans; Because of the accuracy of her mastery of him, she participated in her latest artwork in 2020 in the series “Zemhair”, where she appeared in the role of “Alia”, the mother of the heroine, Ishha Aishin Turan, who played the championship against the artist Al -Birin Demaz.

Integration of famous it
As for the Turkish artist, the prophecy of her famous, she presented the role of the mother in different ways, which the audience loved, especially while retaining her elegance, beauty and charming looks, became famous in the Arab world after she presented her distinguished role, Sultana Hafsa, the mother of Suleiman the Magnificent during the series Harem Al Sultan, and we do not forget, of course, her role that she presented brilliantly in the series “Forbidden Love” where she embodied the character of Fayrouz Perrin Sat, and despite presenting the role of the mother in an unconventional way and tending to make conspiracies and tricks, she succeeded in providing the role brilliantly and mastery.

Mina Toghai
The artist, Mina Togai, was distinguished in presenting many roles that the audience loved, including her distinguished role in the series “Istanbul Al -Dhawam”, in which she presented the role of the mother, who loves and tries her son a lot “Ozan Dolonay”, and tries to prevent his marriage from the girl who works as a maid at home.

Mina Toghai

Ebro Neil Edin
The artist, Ebro Neil Aydin, was distinguished by her role in the series “The Organization” in which she participated recently and is currently being shown, as she embodied the role of the mother by the artist Murad Yildirim, who plays the role of Omar, and she worked on his upbringing after the death of his father and his brother who was assassinated in the first workshops, in addition to her insistence that Omar complete his love story with Zahra and marry her.

Zaino Arakar
The artist Zaino Arakar presented the role of the mother in the judiciary series, where she appeared in the character “Umm Jilin”, which is played by the artist Pinar Deniz, Zaino Arakar played the role of the mother with great ingenuity, which won the admiration of the Arab audience. (Layalina)

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