Health & Women

A young artist reveals the secrets of her childhood: she faced harassment

Aya Samaha was a guest on the “Asrar” program presented by the presenter, Amira Badr, through the “Al -Nahar” channel, where she talked about many details of her personal life and her childhood, revealing her relationship with her father after his separation from her mother. His Eminence detonated a surprise that she was harassed in her childhood, stressing that she had courageously faced this situation with the help of her mother.

Aya talked about the impact of assumption of responsibility since childhood on the girl’s personality, explaining that early work teaches the girl to estimate the value of money and independence. She also confirmed that she was subjected to many inappropriate situations, but she learned how to put an end to anyone who exceeds the borders.

Aya also shared details about her relationship with her late father, as she confirmed that he was a safety for her, and he was known in the region, noting that she understood his style of education more after his death. She emphasized that she considered her father’s love excessive control, but with the passage of time she realized that this was an expression of his love and protection for her. (she has)

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