
Run air -conditioned trains between Cairo / Assiut / Tanta

The Railways Authority decided, as of Thursday, March 27, 2025 :

A French air conditioner is operated for the public, train No. ۱۹34 from Cairo to Nag Hammadi on only 27/27/2025, where the Cairo station is 17.00. With a special supplement number (۱) from the Nag Hammadi station at 1.10 at the Assiut Station, the station is 3,30 hours, such as the attached table.

& nbsp; Attached. :

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A French air conditioner is operated for the public with a specific return number (۱) on 1/4/2025, where the Cairo station is 8,50 at 8.50 A which

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Second Going trip:-

& nbsp; Like the attached table. A special emptying (۲) from Alexandria to Cairo on 3/28/2025 only, where it is held from Alexandria at 14.15 arrives in Cairo at ۱۷,1, ۱.1 From Cairo to Alexandria on only 1/4/2025, where he rises from Cairo Station at 10.15, the Alexandria station arrives at 12.40 like the attached table. Attached. . The special 3 Petrojet) from Assiut to Mansoura only on 3/28/2025, where the Assiut station is 4.15 Like the attached table.

& nbsp; The air conditioner with the number of (the return of 3 Petrojet) from Mansoura to Assiut on only 1/4/2025, where he rises from Mansoura station at 1345, arrives at Assiut station at 21.40 10.35 as the attached table.

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