
"Youth and sports"Comprehensive rehabilitation awareness convoys in Menoufia Governorate

The Ministry of Youth and Sports, through the Central Administration for Youth Development, continues to implement comprehensive rehabilitative awareness campaigns, in cooperation with Egyptian universities, which include the specializations of “Health Awareness – Rehabilitation – Human Medicine”, with a total of 30 comprehensive convoys targeting 300,000 beneficiaries from various governorates. This is for the villages most in need and the villages of the presidential initiative “A Decent Life”


The Ministry – in today’s statement – confirmed its interest in the villages most in need, through the implementation of many programmes, activities and events that serve youth and young people, based on the interest of the state and the political leadership in advancement and progress. In those villages, through the implementation of the “Decent Life” initiative and in implementation of Egypt’s Development Strategy 2030.


It includes Medical convoys organize seminars and awareness campaigns about addiction and some chronic diseases, within the framework of the state’s efforts to combat the drug phenomenon and raise awareness of chronic diseases. The comprehensive rehabilitation awareness convoys aim to improve and improve the villages most in need, provide health services, seminars and awareness campaigns, provide students of specialized colleges with experience through applied training, and raise the health level of citizens and raise their awareness.


In this context, the convoy was carried out in the village of Sabk on Sunday, Ashmoun Center in Menoufia Governorate. The convoy included “health awareness – rehabilitation – medicine.” Bcharri”, in cooperation with Menoufia University and the Fund for Combating and Treating Addiction and Abuse.

The implementation of the convoys included the implementation of awareness campaigns and lectures and the distribution of propaganda leaflets about addiction, in coordination with the Fund for Combating and Treating Addiction and Abuse, as well as awareness lectures about Proper nutrition for children, women’s health, reproductive health and some chronic diseases, in addition to precautionary measures against infectious viruses and family planning.

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