Legal consequences of humor with edited images and clips

Sometimes the boundaries between humor and respect disappear on social media, so that what one party may consider to be just a joke turns into a type of cyberbullying, from the other party’s point of view.
Among the most prominent modern tools used in this context are what are known as “memes,” which are modified images or video clips accompanied by sarcastic texts.
On the surface, “memes” appear to be a means of laughter and entertainment, but using them irresponsibly may affect the privacy of others and belittle them, because they rely on modifying images in a sarcastic, humorous manner, going beyond the limits of joking to become a means of defamation or psychological harm.
Specialists warned of the impact of “memes” on social relations.
They reported that it may expose its publishers or creators to legal consequences, pointing out that it may fall within the category of electronic crimes punishable by conviction, imprisonment, and a fine, which opens the door to reviewing how to use new technological tools.
Mockery is one of the powerful weapons used in bullying. It aims to destabilize and humiliate the victim, and may have harmful effects on his mental health.
In detail, famous pictures of public figures or clips from films and series, or even scenes taken from daily life, after editing them and adding a sarcastic or funny comment, are spread on social media platforms such as “Instagram”, “Twitter” and “Facebook”, with the aim of arousing laughter or laughter. Mocking.
Memes are created using programs or applications that allow editing images and videos, and attaching comments to them.
The legal advisor and lawyer, Sarah Al-Baqishi, stated that “using modified images or videos to mock others, even if it is for the purpose of joking, is considered a violation of dignity,” explaining that Article (44) of the Law on Combating Rumors and Electronic Crimes stipulates that “everyone who uses technology… Information to modify or manipulate images or recordings with the intention of offending or defaming shall be punishable by imprisonment and a fine.”
She added that “the law protects people who are subjected to psychological or moral abuse through these actions,” noting that “those targeted have the right to file criminal lawsuits and demand financial compensation after a conviction is issued.”
The legal advisor and lawyer, Rashid Al-Hafiti, confirmed that using pictures of people, or their spontaneous emotions, in a sarcastic manner, or changing their features without their knowledge, and publishing them on social media, is considered a personal insult, the perpetrators of which will be held accountable.
He pointed out that “UAE law is keen to protect individuals’ right to privacy and preserve their dignity, and criminalizes practices that cause psychological or moral harm,” adding that “if a person is exposed to having his picture published with a sarcastic edit or without his consent, he has the right to take legal action.”
Al-Hafiti stressed that “dealing with sarcastic memes or clips requires awareness of their impact on others, as they can turn from a means of entertainment into a tool that may leave negative effects on feelings.”
In turn, legal advisor and lawyer Fatima Al Ali pointed out that “sharing any content, whether a video clip or a reaction, without permission from its owner, may lead to problems, especially in family and professional groups, which causes a deterioration in relationships or the work environment.” ».
She added that sarcastic comments can negatively affect the victim’s psychological state, causing him anxiety, isolation, and depression, which affects his mental health and hurts his feelings.
Al Ali continued that UAE law criminalizes cyberbullying, and is punishable by imprisonment, a fine, or both, in accordance with Federal Decree Law No. 34 of 2021.
She added that some acts committed out of joking may be considered crimes punishable by law.
Educational consultant, Dr. Badriya Al-Dhanhani, stated that modifying someone’s image in a comical way makes him feel like his self-worth is diminished or affected by what others see about him, which may cause him embarrassment or a lack of self-confidence, noting that “continuous ridicule may increase feelings of social anxiety in people.” individuals, and leads to constant psychological distress.”
She added that although these effects may be temporary at first, repeated exposure to modified images may deepen their negative effects, which contributes to increased embarrassment and loss of self-confidence, pointing out the need to take into consideration the feelings of others, and not underestimate them.
“Documented” positions
A funny family moment turned into a debate between friends at school, after a girl documented her father’s spontaneous emotion via a video clip, and posted it on her Snapchat account.
While the girl saw it as an “innocent joke,” some of her friends took advantage of the video and turned it into a sarcastic “meme,” accompanied by many offensive comments, which caused her great annoyance, so she went to her teacher to ask for help and put an end to the torrent of comments.
The student said, “What started as a passing joke ended in unexpected abuse, stressing the importance of being aware of what is shared on social media.”
In another situation that reflects the impact of social media on the lives of its users, a woman was subjected to severe ridicule, after she documented that her electric vehicle had malfunctioned through a video that she shared in her family group on WhatsApp asking for help. The clip was leaked to social media platforms, and was widely circulated among others. A wave of sarcastic comments. One of the people took the initiative to edit some of his clips, showing them in a ridiculous way, and he did not forget to criticize the women’s channel, diminishing their competence to act in such situations. The woman, in turn, confirmed her deep remorse for documenting the holiday on video, explaining that she was in a moment of tension and unable to act when it was published.
She expressed her hope that people would realize that such situations call for psychological support, consideration and assistance for others, instead of making women feel that they are not worthy of driving vehicles.
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