Urgent 29 years old to leave .. stay away from art and forge back drama

Today, February 9, 1996, the anniversary of the departure or as it was known as the title & quot; the Egyptian cinema prince & quot; where Adel Adham excelled in embodying the personality of the villain in more than one image, including the cute and the ungrateful villain, and the wicked prince.
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He was born on March 8, 1928 in Alexandria. He tried to turn to acting at the beginning of his life, but he changed the idea for years because of Anwar Wajdi’s opinion about him And who was seeing that it was not suitable for that and he went to dance, and then appeared on the cinema screen a few times in that period.
& nbsp; Laila bint the poor, where he appeared in a very small role as a dancer, then his second appearance was in a small scene in the big house movie, then he also worked as a dancer in the movie Makansh Alal in 1950, then he moved away from the cinema and worked in the cotton exchange market until the release of nationalization decisions in the fifties And instead of implementing his decision to immigrate abroad, he decided to return to the acting experience again after he got to know the director Ahmed Diaa in 1964, which he presented through & LDQUO; am I crazy? And among the most important of them: & ldquo; gossip over the Nile, the most dangerous man in the world, quail and autumn, the sad night bird, Satan preaches, the unknown, supermarket, unknown & rdquo;.
& nbsp; Prince that he added privacy and diversity to the roles of evil in Egyptian cinema after Stephen Rosti. He received several awards: from the General Authority of Cinema, from the Egyptian Society for the Book and Critics of the Film, as well as from the Egyptian Society for Film Art. In 1985 he received an award at the Arab Film Festival in Los Angeles in America, and honored at the Alexandria International Film Festival in 1994, and the second national festival for Egyptian films in 1996. & nbsp;
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