Money and business

Because of the high prices … European countries are pushing for a reduction of gas storage

A group of European countries seeks to push the European Commission to allow further flexibility in re -requirements before next winter, as the retreating stocks rapidly and raised raised concerns about the cost of achieving the current goals.
During a meeting of the Gas Coordination Group in Brussels on Thursday, it is expected that several countries will pressure to reduce the goals set to ensure that stocks are 90% full by November 1, 2025, according to informed sources.
This represents an increase in the requirements of the group that Bloomberg said last week that it is conducting early discussions on draining the targets of re -mobilization of stocks in the coming years.

Withdrawing quantities of gas stocks

A mixture of cold weather and the loss of Russian gas supplies to Europe via Ukraine’s territory, withdrawing the region, caused more gas stocks more than usual than usual.

Storage sites are now 48% full of average, which is the lowest level of this year since 2022.
The possibility of increasing demand this summer causes high prices, which makes fuel storage unarmed.

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