
"Local development" She participates in launching the largest aid convoy for the Gaza Strip

Dr. Manal Awad, Minister of Local Development, today participated in the effectiveness of launching a fund & quot; Long live Egypt & quot; The largest comprehensive humanitarian aid convoy from the Egyptian governorates, to support the Palestinian brothers in the Gaza Strip, & nbsp; as well as launching the & quot; Gates of Goodness & quot; Through the Long Live Egypt Fund to support the most needy families in 27 governorates, during the month of Ramadan, in implementation of the directives of President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi, which was launched from the People’s Square in the new administrative capital. The Minister, Deputy Prime Minister for Industrial Development, Minister of Industry and Transport, Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Health and Population, and a number of ministers and governors, businessmen, representatives of civil society organizations and NGOs.

For her part, Dr. Manal Awad said that today we are witnessing the launch of a convoy of support and relief of siblings in the Gaza Strip, which embodies the highest meanings of solidarity; Egypt reflects the steadfast commitment to support its brothers in times of adversity and challenges. The launch of this caravan comes as a national and humanitarian duty to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people in light of the harsh conditions that the people of the Gaza Strip are going through. It is not just a truck of assistance, but rather a message of love and brotherhood that is sent to our brothers in Gaza to have a bond and hope in times of distress, as Dr. Manal Awad praised the human effort that was achieved thanks to the concerted efforts between the & quot; Long live Egypt & quot; The ministries of local development, solidarity, civil society institutions and businessmen donor, stressing that & quot; the leadership and the people & quot; They are never late to give a helping hand, especially in light of the humanitarian crises and challenges. P>

At the end of the word, Dr. Munal Awad thanked the conservatives in North Sinai, the New Valley, the East, Ismailia, Suez, Matrouh, Cairo, Giza, Qalioubia, and the Long Live Egypt Fund, the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Civil Society Institutions.

The convoy is The largest convoy of comprehensive humanitarian aid, which was lined up majestically, coming from the governorates of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and included more than 460 trucks, whose load exceeded more than 7,200 tons of food support and all the necessary needs and medical supplies to reach the Gaza Strip, with the advent of the month of Ramadan 1446, and that is. Under the slogan & quot; We share humanity & quot;

Also, launching the activities of the & quot; Gates of Goodness & quot; From the Long Live Egypt Fund, it came to alleviate the burdens on the shoulders of the first families with care and provide their living needs during the holy month of Ramadan in the various governorates of the Republic, and the initiative provides 2.5 million cartons of dry foodstuffs, meat, poultry, hot meals for breakfast and suhoor.

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