Gulf News

Experts emphasize the importance of innovation and technology in the visual narrative

Sharjah, February 21 / WAM / Producers and makers of films confirmed the importance of innovation in the narrative narration and its important role in the cinema industry, as well as the role of technical developments in removing barriers in front of the creators, which allowed everyone to tell their stories in innovative and influential ways.

This came during two interviews within the activities of the International Festival for Photography “Expogger 2025” The first came entitled “The development of narration of stories: the past – the present – the future” with the participation of the director and producer Glenn Jennour and movie maker Travon Free and film director Siraj Jahfari and the second session was entitled “The role of technology In the modern narration, “Artists of the artistic production Santiago Leon and Johann participated Wadia, Arthur Baum and Saraj Jahfari.

Speakers at the first session dealt with the development of fictional narrative techniques through time and challenges facing filmmakers and how to benefit from technological developments in presenting influential stories, stressing that innovation in fictional narration is a major key to success in this field.

Participants described the UAE as an inspiring country that includes many young filmmakers, noting the importance of strong platforms in supporting the success and spread of films.

In the second session, the participants stressed that technology not only accelerated the narration process, but also made it more influential and deep, which allowed the creators to transform their ideas into a tangible reality regardless of the available material capabilities.

The participants stressed that the speed of production provided by technology does not mean dispensing with creativity or reducing its value, stressing that modern technologies may make the process more efficient and smooth, but it does not dispense with the importance of the good story that remains the essence of cinematic work.

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